Botting --- Death Threats Against Players

I think its about time Blizzard finally takes real action against these botters.
If a single player can put such a dent in the cashflow operation of botters they then feel the need to throw death threats at that single player there is absolutely no excuse the corporation running this game cannot clean house and end this entire business they claim to be so against.

It is obvious that the bots account subscriptions are more than enough to justify the damage they cause to the playerbase’s gameplay in the eyes of Blizzard.
This HAS to change.
We NEED to see massive removal of bots, realtime banwaves and a response from Blizzard on the matter.

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So move the death threats from an anonymous player to blizz staff that are not anonymous? Good idea :face_with_raised_eyebrow:. While I agree botting is an issue your train of logic didn’t go too far before running out of gas.

How do you equate a GM going to the known farming spots while invisible and just banning the players/accounts to a guy that has leveled a character and they can track him and have sent real life threats, credible or not, to his physical location as the same thing.

Blizzard has more than these bot hunters do in terms of tools to disrupt and cripple the bot farms. They choose not to because of the economical viability of investing in a team to do that rather than not spinning up that team at all

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You can literally stand at BRD, SM and other popular instances and see them zoning in and out multiboxing. I have noticed that they sometimes have a geared hunter protecting them, but it could just be random pvp. Because i have tried to kill them.

Who said that gms would only be the ones targeted? Any employee would be fair game as they are in any other situation.

That guy streamed and made video content giving his irl name, not anonymous at all.

Why would blizzard want the bots to stop? They make money off of bot subs.

Is it the job of the player or the corporation to clear this game of people breaching TOS?
There is no problem with my train of logic, just yours.

Which is a sad and pathetic reason to allow this to continue.
If the game is truly struggling that badly without that influx of $, the player needs to demand otherwise.
This entire botting operation has gotten too comfy and has just gone too far.
RMT needs to be be seriously dealt with.