Botting and gold buying is destroying this game

And anyone involved in laundering that gold via GDKP runs

Activision blizzard stock went from $60 to over $80 since September last year itys been rising every month and you can bet gold sales drive ALOT of that

No different than dating sites giving women free premium services… Brings more people in at the end of the day.

It’s better than that, though. They remove an illicit market and get 33% more for the same sub.

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And for some reason people think tokens “ruin” the game, while random gold farmers/sellers doesn’t.

Someone bought the Healing mace off C’Thun this week for 30k gold in a GDKP run. Each member of the raid got 1700g.

I thought the GDKP runs were nice when they first hit the server, but now you can’t find a normal pug or soft reserve run. They are non-existant.

Unsub, until you all start having the balls to make a true statement and not only a forum post, nothing will happen.

I don’t get why people buy gold especially amounts like 12k, isn’t almost everything endgame is BOP? what do they do with those gold lol

Run GDKPS and spend 30k on items.

Ban the botters and, when they find someone has bought gold, remove twice the amount from their account.

Good luck repairing.

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