Botter Speaks Out

Botter Detailing How He Bots and How The WoW Token Helps Them

Insane analysis, absolutely disqualifies Blizzard’s PR attempt about the WoW Token.


All this means is we need more censorship on the internet to protect blizzard’s profits.


Bobby? Bobby is that you ?:dracthyr_love_animated:


very interesting read, thanks for sharing.

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Said that earlier, that botting and gold buying won’t change much. There maybe a little more incentive for buzzard to run bans slightly more often. But, wrath is on maintenance mode. The gold buyers can get gold cheaper from sellers. The folks in the middle are just paying extra for convenience and security from MAYBE getting a ban.

That just confirmed my thoughts.

The Kool aid knights will be out shortly to argue this, though.


I love how the Reddit liberals automatically assume OP is a LARPer

Wrath is on leech mode

Fixed that one for ya.


Thank you.

Buzzard no longer surprises me about anything, anymore.

In a sane world Blizzard should hire him or someone like him to fight botters.

Just read a dozen of the botters QA and yup, wow token is a PLAYER CREATED PROBLEM. cheaters gonna cheat. Blizz spends ridiculous money trying to stop bots and they can’t keep up with it.

Don’t ban gold buyer/sellers, grow some morals gang and stop cheating.


Wtf are you talking about.

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There will always be people who skirt the rules (or laws). There needs to be a solution that punishes those caught as a deterrent. Because the cheaters get the benefit while the non cheaters pay a price.

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You think they need to hire an amateur botter rofl? I promise you they have people who understand botting 100x better than this guy. He’s simply a script-kid.

Botting will always be a cat and mouse game, and one Blizzard will probably always lose… But the issue isn’t so much that they haven’t gone after botting technically, it’s their complete refusal to go after the source of their money, IE people buying gold. To the point they’ve now just admitted defeat and decided if you can’t beat em, join em.


It’s what many companies do to stop people who violate the rules. You also have ex jewel thieves who become security consultants. Same concept.

The script kids often have insights that the professionals lack.

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What OP posted.

I would take everything this dude says with a heap of salt. Not sure why everyone instantly buys into his credibility, but a lot of his points make no sense.


I was kinda going the same way. I skimmed his posts and didn’t see anything that looked wrong, but also nothing that made me confident he knew what he was talking about either.

It’s all a bunch of super vague or pretty commonly available “information.” “Yea, I use a VPN” etc…

Best solution is to reduce or eliminate the need of gold.

That’s not how any of this works.

All reducing the scale of gold sinks does is increase inflation. It doesn’t eliminate the need for gold. It’ll just make the cost of everything people DO buy and sell on the AH skyrocket, in addition to the cost of all services/Gkpd’s etc. What it won’t do is impact RMT botting at all.

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You didn’t read the whole thing and fired off a response. No one takes you seriously.