Bots on Rattlegore

I’m sorry, Sokajoo, but that isn’t accurate.

Of course we want to remove exploitative behavior as quickly as possible, that hasn’t changed, but a lot of these investigations take time. Several weeks is not uncommon, as we are often working to discover how a particular program may work and how best to detect it on a whole so that we can deal with the bots that may be reported but also the ones that are not. So that we can hopefully prevent their use entirely. That is the same today as it was 10-15 years ago. What is new is the perception that “back in the day” X was done differently.

The problem, Sokajoo, is what you “noticed” isn’t necessarily accurate as the amount of data that you have available is extremely limited. You simply don’t have an accurate picture of their access or their behavior. That isn’t to say nothing is going on, but what we can do is based on what we can verify.

If you see someone you suspect of botting, please continue to report it, it will be looked into. I would caution against assuming that you know with absolute certainty that your suspicions are correct.