Bots On Earthfury

Blizzard you need to get your shyte together man… There’s a shyte ton of Bots running through Durotar, but yall turn a blind eye to reports

where? There are 36 people in Durotar right now, 27 of them are lvl 12 or less

Durotar Graveyard swarmed with level 1s killing 3 lvl 5 human rogues then logging out and another one coming to kill it at lvl 1

looking at it right now , a Troll priest wanding them to death, I reported them , anyone else reading this , fo to razor hill GY and report please

Also…sorry i doubted you

The reason Blizz doesn’t ban bots immediately is because they closely monitor their actions for a time, hoping they will lead them to others. In the case of Chinese Farmers, they will often launder their ill gotten gold several times before it reaches the customer.

This is also why bans tend to come in waves of several thousand at a time.

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