Bots in bg's

Don’t mind waiting longer for real players but currently either lose because 10 bot rogues run into enemy unstealthed and auto attack or if bots are on enemy team win too easily because its PVE. Not really expecting a fix but just providing feedback on the appropriate forum about how bad it still is.


I’d rather play with the bots these days even if they don’t play to win than with the real players whose toxicity just know no bounds and make the experience unbearable.

The bots are at least quiet.

It ruins the battleground. Blizzard implemented a /ignore for the toxic people but you can’t /ignore 5 bots running in autoattacking giving your team a 5v10 or 30v40 disadvantage. It’s awful as the team with them and it’s unfair going against them.


As long as they’re engaging the enemy in PvP, they’re complying with the rules of the game.

That’s the random queue. You don’t get to decide what kind of partners you can have, nor are you the armchair general to dictate what is proper etiquette or strategy in a randomly generated group.

I would try smaller fixes first, like reverting the dungeon nerfs and see if maybe the bots go over there and improve the quality of the BGs some, than messing with the random BG system altogether.

Who were the bots hurting in their own instances?

Probably not getting the daily BG (Eye) done today because of all the bots on Horde.

last game had 3 Mages, 3 Paladins, 2 Rogues

The problem isn’t the BG.

The problem is the quest.

Someone is literally gatekeeping you from your daily. That’s the definition of PvP. They’re fighting hard to keep you from winning.

That interferes with progression if that’s the only avenue for non-arena players to earn arena points.

The solution would be to simply move the quest to a gathering quest such as in one of the Wintergrasp quests, where you’re likely to complete it.

The problem is the bots and I am not going to indulge you on 30+ posts why the problem isnt 33-50% of a team being bots.

Then fight harder; or find a partner and do arena, but good luck with that without soloQ.

The bots aren’t going anywhere and I explained how they have a right to be there.

No1 is going to hand you anything on the battlefield.

There’s no way this isn’t a troll reply haha no shot this is the response to the well known Botting issue.

I agree completely that we should fight harder in the battleground. But when the enemy team have 5 unstealthed rogues run into the fight and auto attack then that’s the issue. It happens in every single BG and only the botters themselves (sus) would agree with it. Botting makes the mode PVE which is the issue not that I want to become an armchair general lmfao.

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Botting is against the rules of the game, not in compliance of it. Their ill gotten gains also hurt our economy. You go on to spout more drivel, saying to simply fight harder. That’s not a solution for horde, which has far more bots than alliance. But even if it worked, that’s not exactly an ideal solution. We should not have these scum all over our BGs to begin with, and Blizzard gave a crap about this game; we wouldn’t.

You didn’t list a solution at all, as I done explained. As for preferring bots on your team instead of far better real players, that’s fine. You would be spawn camped at the graveyard every match, but that would be your problem, not mine. Btw in your own thread you made, you’re complaining about losing BGs because of bots, but in this thread, you’re saying it’s a “better solution” to carry bots to victory. You’re literally contradicting yourself with your own trolling at this point.



Hold up I think I got it all out.

Oh man, you really are your own worst enemy.


All your disdainful attitudes are why I would rather team with the bots that with any of you.

All of you with your disdainful attitudes, that you then transcend into the BGs, make the game an unbearable experience for everyone else.

I listed solutions that are better than everyone else’s.

Given your demeaner, I’d rather have a bot as my teammate than you.

And if you’re on our team it’s just another bot.

Because that’s all you are.

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Oh what a post.

Really contributes to the argument.

You got me. I have no rebuttal for such powerful penmanship.

I’m not arguing. I quoted you saying this: :point_down:

“… I explained how they (bots) have a right to be there.”

It’s such an asinine statement that blatantly ignores the fact that botting itself is a punishable offense, and any action after is therefor not sanctioned.

But what’s the point, I know you won’t comprehend it. So I’m just going to laugh at you.


I’d rather play with the bots than have ppl like you tamper with the random BG system as it is.

The bots in BG’s are going to be the reason I just stop paying Blizzard when Cata comes out. The icing on the cake is Blizzard insulting our intelligence by telling us that they lose money with the bots when every single bot in a BG is a freshly boosted level 80.


Wait until they add RBGs; something the bots won’t be able to queue for.

This means literally nothing to what I said.


This is not an opinion. Bots are against TOS and not allowed in game at all, which includes BGs.

If you’re not going to provide anything constructive, then you can leave. Another thread doesn’t have to be derailed because you refuse to stay on topic.

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Gaslighting at its finest.