Bots have infested WoW Classic

Just stop.

Because Retail has tokens.

Not exactly true depending on the server. Bots farming could and do actually increase the price of things on some servers. Because they soak up all of the resources and then transfer those resources to other servers where it sells for more. Supply goes down in that case.

Simple solution rather than suspending them for 6 months:
Make them flagged as mobs, and drop all loot they are carrying and wearing.

Blizzard doesn’t care. Bots are ruining wow classic. But what matters is their subscription :stuck_out_tongue:

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Well, i sent a lot of videos to in the last 2 months. The same bots still online inflating the entire economy. Blizzard doesn’t care, bots are 24/7 farming Stratholme, Sunkem Temple, Zul’farrak and World Map.


“Please continue to report any activity that you believe may be suspect, Nykolaz. It is very much appreciated and helps us a great deal.”

I have reported the EXACT SAME BOTS for over 2 months. Guess what? They are still online botting right now. Just /who and anyone can see they online 24/7. This reply is pathetic blizzard. Sorry


Why would that eradicate bots? Wouldn’t people still need to bot to level, bot to farm, even bot to sell tokens?

Have bots been destroyed on retail through technological means, or just by removing all motivations for botting?

so basically a realistic wow Vanilla experience

Alot of players are crazy paranoid and spend more time worrying about “bots” and “multiboxers” than actually playing the game.

I had my hunter following my mage once (seperate accounts) and had some weirdo following me around asking me “are you a bot?” and trying to test me etc…

Absolute effing nonsense, people like op are wackjobs that think everyone they see who isn’t in a guild is a bot, or if you ignore them your a bot, or if you walk in a straight line for to long your a bot, or if you farm is one spot for to long your a bot.

I level quite a bit, and I have never once seen this bot legion that reddit swears plagues the game.

Welp, I guess I’m a bot

That’s strike two for me, since I have auto run mouse buttoned and use it ALOT

This is not looking good for me!

Ahhhh, I’m saved!

I have also noticed if I even suggest they may be wrong, I’m a white knight for Blizzard, who also supports bots. Like someone else said, they have been breathing in too many contrails…

  1. Bots drive prices down… You know because SO MANY bots are farming materials and posting and bloating the AH with said items…

  2. The prices are so high because we have an economy designed for 2,000 population. We have 10k people on some servers fighting over Lotus that is designed for old vanilla populations.

  3. There are a ungodly amount of people afking and botting pvp for sure. A majority of the first round of rank 14s were not legit by any means.

  4. Pvp is bad in vanilla so :dagger: Don’t worry it gets much better in TBC

  5. Classic re release was about Sub #s period. BFA bombed really bad so they had to stop the bleeding. Shadowlands is shaping up to be just as bad so we WILL get TBC thats 100% guranteed.

Unsub until the good version of wow hits (Burning crusade).

kill them,repeatedly

Blizzard, its time for a ban wave!!!

because gold is harder to come by, and leveling takes longer than retail. It was a problem in vanilla and blizzard was combating it. It will never go away and anyone who knew classic was coming back should of seen this.

Do yourself a favor and watch the AH a little closer. On my server the bots dump materials on the auction house periodically (same time within a minute every day) for prices well below market value. At that time I just scoop it all up and resell, I used to hate bots, now I make an extra 400-500g a day taking advantage of their scripts. Figure out a way to profit off of the bots and you will feel much better about them, I promise you that :joy:.

Pro tip- once you know they are about to post an item, post it 1x on the AH waaay below market price and watch as they undercut it- and profit!!

Take max supply (#nodes times refresh) over time period.

Divide max supply by number of producers (those who put it on market)

The higher this number is, the closer the market is to monopilization.

Bots, multiple accounts, reduce the number of producers. When a handful of producers have most of the supply, price-fixing takes place and prices are inflated.

Real life analogy: diamonds.

If Blizzard wants to fix Lotus prices its super easy:

NPC vendor sells them for say…50g and buys them for 50s.

Props. Undermine Journal forum strategy 101. I did this on Faerlina all day, every day.

12:32 PM 4/25/2020
They seem to have more concern with censoring people off the forum than regulating the game.

This post is being unnecessarily censored by Blizzard until April 28.