Yes, they don’t jsut ban them because YOU believe they’re a bot. They go in waves. Again, nothing about this means they’re not enforcing their ToS.
Again, as I asked you in another post you keep complaining about bots and GDKPs in, do you even play this game?
They’ve been doing waves for 20 years.
We still have bots.
Maybe it’s time they tried another strategy.
Here’s piratesoftware explaining why they do it in waves.
What would you rather have them do? Allow the botters to figure out how they do it so they can navigate around it?
You clearly have no idea how coding works.
Waves accomplish absolutely nothing. It gives the bots weeks or months to accumulate gold and sell it.
The solution is real live GMs in-game, banning bots in real time. Just travel around the world, ban ban ban. The bots are utterly obvious to everyone. It’s not mystery who they are or what they are. There is no massive investigative work that needs to be done. You just ban them.
Blizz won’t do this because eventually it’ll be not worth it for the bots to keep coming back. And they don’t want that. I believe that from the bottom of my heart, because they absolutely could deal with the situation. They simply don’t want to.
Which part? You’re just stating things without any backing.
I’ve literally given you the reasons why they do it, even an old blizzard employee explaining it.
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And clearly their approach doesn’t work.
I mean, it does work. You see the prices of everything skyrocket when it occurs. Like in SoD.
Anniversary hasn’t hit the 3/6 month mark that they do a wave at yet, it’s coming. Calm down.
he literally admitted the intention is not to stop people from cheating. they dont care which is why the bots operate with impunity. its clearly about maximizing profits.
the obvious solution is to hire real people who ban bots in real time. that is the solution.
the sad thing is that very many players would do this service for free but blizzard still wont because its not in the interest of the corporation to ban paying accounts.
LOL. Are you serious?
“Hey guys, for 2 days after the ban waves things get better before they all return and just move to a new account. But ignore the other 6 months when it’s a complete nightmare.”
What an amazing strategy.
This isn’t a solution though. They would ban the bot and the person would instantly just go and make a new account. It’s about dismantling the backend in waves, just as they do with crime in real life.
It’s crazy how clueless you are.
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if they can ban the old account they can ban the new account too.
and what a terrible comparison. crime in real life is policed in real time. what a stupid argument.
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Crime in real life is policed in real time, but to take down large operations you have to take out most of the operation in one big swoop.
Arresting the low level drug dealer on the side of the road doesn’t do anything but give a chance for someone to take his place. Just as banning one bot at a time wouldn’t solve anything.
You seem lost on this and I don’t really get why. It’s not as simple as banning them one at a time.
It doesn’t work. They’re not dismantling anything. Waves just let bots flourish for 95% of the time and then get banned for a small period of time. Which means nothing to them. They’re running multiple accounts that they just switch to.
Until they’re simply banned instantly, botting will never be addressed. But Blizz doesn’t want to invest the manpower to actually hire GMs to police the game. That’s what it boils down to.
How would you like them to ban them instantly without the bot creaters becoming aware of how they’re detecting them?
or do you want them to wait to level up to detect them? Whats the plan?
Because again, you’re jsut stating things that don’t fix the overall problem. Hence why theyu do it in waves.
im not lost on this at all. its extremely very clear to me what the solution is.
Yep. Time for Blizz to wake up from being asleep at the wheel and hire some qualified employees to devise a plan. Instead, the Classic dev team is proud of themselves for making a bluesky account lmao.
Your solution is to ban them instantly, how would you like them to do that? How many people do you think it would take? What are the perimeters for detecting a bot? Should they just KNOW its a bot when they create the account or character?
They have a plan, they ban them in waves and knock out their operation so they have to go back to square one and rebuild it.
What nonsense is this? You think the bots care? They’re flying around through air. They’re hacking through the ground. “We don’t want the bots to know how we detect them” is a joke. They’re blatantly obvious.
And they don’t care because Blizz lets them do it for months.