Bots are destroying the integrity of the game

It’s astounding how you people have absolutely zero control over bots. They’re f***ing EVERYWHERE.

A simple, easy example: Have a GM sit to the North of Crossroads or to the South of Camp Taurajo on Herod and you’ll see them everywhere. There are far more bots than actual people out in the world. It’s turning the game into a dumpster, and doing a small ban wave 1-2 times per year isn’t good enough.


blizzzard please do another massive ban wave. The period between large ban waves is too infrequent.

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firefin snappers are 30 copper each. When is enough enough blizzard? We should prolly start calling you by your real name; Activision. Cuz Blizzard would never have let it get this bad. This is disgraceful, ya’ll should be ashamed of yourselves real talk.


No. Stop doing waves and start banning them immediately.

By the team each wave goes out, they’ve already done irreparable harm.


Bizz is doing something about bots, but not enough ppl are reporting them. Once a bot is reported i’ve seen it take as long as 2 weeks for them to go away, but at least it happens. Bots trash every servers economy. They put items in the AH for a fraction of what they are worth, wait for real players to put more in, then buy them up cheap and resell at very high prices so real players end up paying more for items in the end. If more ppl reported bots then the bans would happen more. Will the botters create new accounts and do it again… yes and we have to keep reporting. It’s pretty easy to spot botters and you can watch videos on youtube that explain why botting is bad and show you how to spot them (for those that don’t know). Do your part to help keep the game fun… make the reports. If the person isn’t a bot then nothing will happen to them. Happy hunting all!

Honestly, they shouldn’t be going more than a day before getting banned. Anything less than that is unacceptable.

Never stop hounding Blizzard on this issue. It isn’t up to US to deal with the botters in THEIR game. We’ll help report, sure, but they need to ban them sooner.

I wish they would ban them sooner also, and sometimes it happens in a day or 2, and I also agree 2 weeks was unacceptable. I’ve been pissed about botting since retail, and for some reason I had hoped it wouldn’t be as bad in Classic, but it’s gotten really bad. There has to be a way for them to pick up botters and perma ban their machines, Make it super expensive for them to make new accounts. And perma ban the asshats buying gold via the same way.

GMs. They don’t have those anymore, though.


On what faction? On what server? On Herod, Horder?

There are 69 other factions in NA. Most of them are NOT identical to Herod-Horde.

…says the person who has no clue…

Blizzard does not have the authority that police has. Blizzard cannot do most things that police can do. Botters are not breaking laws.

Over the last 16 years Blizzard HAS found ways to completely stop players who are using method X to cheat. Method X no longer works. So cheaters came up with method Y. Which works. When Blizzard broke method Y, cheaters came up with method Z. The methods keep changing!

So in your fantasy you IMAGINE that Blizzard could fix this, but simply “does not bother”…but if players keep demanding it, Blizzard will eventually say “Oh, okay” and throw a switch and POOF! All the botters and gold-sellers and other cheaters will disappear!

What a nice fantasy world!

I think blizzard should put some Game Masters online and verify one by one.

They absolutely could fix the botting problem. Granted, they’ll never be able to fully stop bots from existing, but they can ban them sooner and more frequently, preventing them from doing as much harm.

They could invest more money into GMs that actively search for and ban bots, but they rely instead entirely on automated systems and player reports.

Wonder if people would pay more per month to have this. Interesting thought

Implying they can’t afford it? :thinking:

Not at all. Just wondering if blizzard said theyd hire a team of GMs purely for bots but theyd have to raise the sub price if people would go for it

Theyve never raised their sub cost which is in itself pretty impressive. And in the end they are a business

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They just raised monetization in other areas, e.g. store mounts, transfers, etc.

Let’s be fair, too… $15/mo is WAY too much for how garbage retail is.

Completely optional things so non factor

Thats a nice opinion, but not one everyone shares. Im not a huge fan of BfA either, but 50 cents a day nets you all that retail and classic have to offer. Pretty small price to pay for access to two games

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Personally, no. Blizzard is doing well financially. I don’t feel we should have to incentivize them to monitor and controls bots in their game.

Being one of the best game company’s in the world, a bot free game should be standard, not gated behind an additional service fee.

Well there in lies the biggest issue

People are asking blizzard to pay money to reduce their own profits. I want to believe that they are just doing their best but dont have the resources to combat it. But i know they are a business, so i wouldnt be the least bit shocked to learn they let bots exist for some time to net more profit

Well yes and no, I agree the people telling them to just hire 50 minimum wage GMs are ludicrous, that’s a multi million dollar investment, it’s not going to happen.

However on the other hand, I don’t think expecting them to hold their games to the gold standard that the company portrays is asking too much.