Both WW hero talent trees are trash

or maybe i’m just dpsing harder and better than everyone else :smiley:

TIL FoF is a spell we cast and not actual punches

Ive been very against more summons and celestials. But I would accept it if they didn’t double down on faeline garbage. Please kill this cancerous ability. It didn’t work for mages and IT DOESNT WORK FOR A MOBILE MELEE CLASS. RENAMING IT JADEFIRE DOESNT MAKE IT BETTER


I like Jadefire. It doesn’t feel like it’s out of sync with rotation to me.

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I like the look. It should very much be turned into a glyph to slap onto RSK.

Mechanically, I hate it for what it is. It’s a lesser version of old RSK damage debuff because it requires two talent points, a global, and active maintenance. Then add in that we have to stay on the Faeline during fights that have a lot of movement, and even then, RNG might bone us and not have the CD reset.

Compare that to tag your targets with RSK.

It’s bloat with a fresh coat of paint.


You people unironically have some sort of “current thing” brain rot to complain about celestial tree “pets” or "rng procs’. Also 99% of you aren’t doing content where faeline is hard to maintain at all.

RJW in the celestial tree is irrelevant and you dont have to talent it at all. Even if it was relevant that implies it was buffed significantly so whats the issue?

Most of you that are heavily negative don’t even understand what the abilities do lmao

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I am simple man. I want to use stomp as brewmaster. I was really hoping for that in the hero talents


I think being negative about unpopular talents being pushed is a reasonable take in this case. They can fix rushing jade wind, but I’d rather they didn’t it just isn’t a fun ability to interact with, same with faeline really. Can we work with those abilities? Of course. Do I want to? Of course not. I’m also working on the likely scenario where the active parts of the talents are the ones that do more damage which behooves some effort in learning said playstyle. Rushing jade wind in the tree can be relevant depending on how strong the chi ji procs are and if they are ppm or straight % even if it is unchanged.

Also rushing jade wind is a chi spender on a short cooldown that does capped aoe damage as a maintenance buff in an area around the monk and complicates the rotation for minimal to negative gain. It is usually used by brewmaster and contributes to its button bloat, it is also feels much better for brewmaster by account of having a real function in how its helps with initial threat generation and also doesn’t require resources like the ww/mw variants of the spell.

Jadefire stomp is a talent entirely carried by its supporting talents in ww and mw since the damage it does is trivial compared to the buffs it gives to the monk. In particular ww wouldn’t even see use for it if they hadn’t dropped an overbudgeted talent node that is just the shadowlands legendary that existed to make night fae a non meme option at the time.

I’m not even inherently against the celestial stuff I just wanted 90 second Xuen from this tree when I heard the name since its a good opportunity for our cooldowns to stack more naturally. Though that said I would have preferred one monk tree that had heavy emphasis on martial arts. How is it that you can have a tree that emphasizes combos like the aldrachi reaver, but somehow monk gets passive procs and unwanted talents?

I had little hope for shadopan to begin with because a random faction didn’t seem like a great design theme considering how the shadopan generally showed up to be fodderized and introduce threats, but how is it that conduit of the celestials does nothing with our actual celestial based abilities or statues even? Deathknights are summoning more deathknights in their army of the dead, but we just get celestial flavored procs and a new 4 second channel that does the worst kind of aoe damage: shared. The only thing that could make the design more out of touch is another tier set with auto attack procs.


Replace something with move like shado
Shado pan fantasy sort of falls flat imo. Remove roll and give shado pan monks a grappling hook like outlaw rogues, and turn flurry strikes into something like shadowstep that taran zhu had in the dungeon. Could even go further and modify roll so its like tigerpalm teleport but more of a side shuffle 5 yards so you can use it as instantaneous avoidance. Right now flurry strikes just looks like a worse tigereye brew (as if that was possible, they figured it out).

They really missing the mark not adding some mean drunk thing for shado pan


you just list off a bunch of RJW complaints entirely related to tuning then say its not runing its just unfun lmao

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I’m sorry I spent a good chunk of that post describing the ability for you since you posted:

If you think I was complaining about the ability in my description of it well that is kinda funny. Maybe it just is that bad if simply describing it sounds like a complaint. Also you could buff the ability 1000% and it’d still be a gross maintenance buff on a class with a lot of moving parts already. If I wanted a good version of rushing jade wind I’d play demon hunter because immolation aura is a good rushing jade wind.

Saying it could be good if they change it is the same as saying as it stands that aspect of the tree isn’t good. We have no guarantee they will change rushing jade wind for the better and even then I’d rather just have a tree that incorporated whirling dragon punch instead because unlike rushing jade wind I’m happy when that talent is good.

I’m liking the trees. Think i might main WW now. Looks fun to me


I had so much fun with ww in shadowlands but the talent tree (specifically the least fun talents being the strongest) and now the hero talents have made ww less appealing.


You should give feedback in the appropriate threads. It’s going to help a lot more than creating another thread on the subject.

I find it hard to give proper feedback on the hero trees while we have little to no idea how the class & spec trees will look though.

I my opinion, both trees seems good for the other spec than WW. I wouldn’t say they’re trash though, but I do get a big “meh” feeling for WW in both cases (I play all 3 specs of monk, so this is not just a MW who can’t relate post :slight_smile: )

I do hope they improve both trees and feedback should go in the blue threads. If there’s a lot of complains, it will tell blizz that they still have work to do. (And yes, I know monks have been left behind for a while… they need to fix a lot of things about the class tree and the specs in general, but that doesn’t really help the discussion :man_shrugging:)

I created this thread before Blizz made the feedback thread and I also posted on that one when it came out.


You made them on the same day so you could have your own whine thread. For as much as you whine about WW, reroll already.

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But I would accept it if they didn’t double down on faeline garbage. Please kill this cancerous ability.

Definitely worth being clear. For WW, it is better to remove this spell than to rework it. It’s made for the least fun version of WW I’ve played, having played WW since Warlords.


There should be useful alternatives for Jadefire/faeline stomp in single target talents.

When jadefire still is a must-pick for single target, it requires WW players to sacrifice mobility as a high mobility DPS class, then why there are even other choices in the talent tree?

Blizzard should make alternative ST talents equally valuable.