Both versions are in a crappy state

yes !! opinions every ones has one !

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I made hundreds of thousands if not millions of gold doing GDKP runs in WotLK & Cataclysm.

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I like the idea of classic, but the actual game play is kind of boring to me.

Story was terrible and all over the place, N’Zoth and the Black Empire were shafted, removal of Tier sets, Azerite gear being terrible for the most part, corruption ruining the game (getting one shot by unkillable tanks is fun)

That’s it. It has been a long time since I had seen it advertised and couldn’t remember what it was called.

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Classic leveling & gameplay is fun as hell to me. I enjoy struggling to kill certain mobs, not being able to spam aoe pull half the zone with no worries. It’s definitely not for everyone though.

Unless you are a frost mage…

Yea unless you are a frost mage, but who in their right mind actually wants to play a frost mage? :stuck_out_tongue:

Why you passing out gold if you are coming back for Shadowlands?

The bot situation in Classic is far more dire than most modern WoW players know. They’re everywhere, in all the outdoor zones leveling (and being led off cliffs by bot-slayer players) and they sell Zul’Gurub + Dire Maul XP+gear carries, brazenly using actual fly hacks right in front of the player they’re carrying. Blizz needs to slam the banhammer HARD over there.

I am playing on Deviate Delight and have not seen that. I wonder if it is focused on the more high pop servers/factions.

That seems likely, less profit to be had on slower servers. I can’t link it because of forum rules, but if you poke around on the WoW and WoW Classic subreddits people have posted videos of this, including a video shot by one of the botters themselves.

Bfa or wod its a fight for 2nd worst and that already says enough. Only subbed to gear up for SL.

Great game getting ruined by bots.

I evidently live in a bubble as well; I have quite enjoyed BFA. :slight_smile:

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You are my hero.

I have been arguing that BFA is just Legion 2.0 for almost 2 years now. And legion introduced all the things I hate most about BFA.

They sort of got away with it because it felt “new” and everyone looked cool aesthetically.

I rank WoD > Legion > BFA but still worst 3 xpacs.

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Not OP but there were a couple things that I very much didn’t like. Gearing systems were convoluted, so many daily chores with essence grind and stuff like that, and pathfinder was still in the game. Classes lost a lot of identity and didn’t feel unique.

It was a decent expansion, definitely wouldn’t rate it the worst imo, but nowhere near the best.

It’s an unpopular one though. M+ has been a success despite to people like me it being the anathema of an MMORPG and being a key reason (IMHO) why the game has changed the way it has been. I feel a lot like the game has passed me on because I think M+ is a stupid concept, I find the “borrowed power” AA levels to be even stupider (M+ at least sounds vaguely interesting, minus the timer) and the D3 style “let’s keep them playing with loot roulette” to be the worst of all.

I don’t know that I feel that strongly - but I definitely don’t like it.

I’m fine with a cap for gear rewards/achievements (keystone mater - +15) … but any higher than that I feel is pointless. I don’t mind a challenge, but I have no interest in a system that scales indefinitely to a point where it will eventually become mathematically impossible to achieve.

I just hope they don’t keep incentivizing pushing even higher. Leaderboards are sufficient for that (or titles I guess).

I do agree that the gear rewards are a nightmare with sharing the entire dungeon systems loot table.

Yes because if you dislike something you should unsub and be quiet. You’re not allowed to have opinions apparently.


BFA was bad but it wasn’t enough for me to quit. Besides, I still need to get my Mythic Jaina Mount.