Classic is being ran by bots and BFA needs no explanation, time to take a break until shadowlands drop, who wants my gold?
How many articles of clothing would I have to remove for said gold?
Disagree, please explain.
…How much gold?
Eh, I also disagree, but I don’t really care enough to have them justify their opinion to me.
OP, I hope you find something else that you can have fun with! That Ghost of Tsushima is coming out in a couple of weeks. Might be good.
BFA was bad.
That’s not an explanation.
Oh… This could get good… Hold up…
Story was pathetic ??
Better, but still not quite a valid argument.
Island expedition and warfronts were bad. And allied races were good opportunity that got lost.
That’s just, like, your opinion, man.
Me. I’m always in need of it.
I don’t play BFa so I don’t have any opinion on that. As far as classic goes though.
Our bot masters are just trying to make Azeroth a great place to live and everyone cuts them down.
and i am stating my opinion mam.
I will hold that gold for you friend.
You will have to fight me, MAK’GORA!!!
“Bad” is not a quality in and of itself. It’s an opinion about a quality.
Just saying “this is bad” does not make an argument. It states an opinion with nothing to back it up.
I would hate to step on that Minatoe!
True, but these things have been talked so many times that I don’t have the energy to explain in detail about it one more time
Warfronts were awesome and I wish they would have made more of them, but Island Expeditions got old and pointless pretty fast. BfA would have been much better had they doubled down on the faction war instead of cramming in Azshara and N’zoth; they both could have easily had their own expansions and instead they were pretty well reduced to plot devices.