Botany and Mining Fundamentals Seriously Flawed

The base option is great in both cases, BUT in both cases the further options are, at best, barely useful. Even if players don’t invest into them until the last knowledge points, it feels like a waste. Super limited applications, overly complicated mechanisms (mulching), questionable results if any.

Either fold the base features into other branches or widen and buff the existing ones. Seams??? Really??? Mulching??? For Real???

Sometimes I just want to knock some heads together over there…

I have seen maybe two seams in the deeps and another in the pitt. A whole wheel dedicated to 2 nodes. Yeah that will be the definitive last wheel I will be filling. Mulching has some potential, just not enough.

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I only do the main wheel for the extra gathering stats since my gatherer is my Druid. The sub-wheels don’t look useful enough for me to be investing 40-80 kp into them tbh.