[Botanica] Untargetable, immortal, infinite spawning NPCs

This has happened more than once. In the room with Laj, there are a bunch of blood elf NPCs that are, I think, supposed to be killed by enemies before we show up there. For some reason, though, that’s not happening. Those blood elves just stay there. And they attack, something that would just be a mild irritant except for the fact that you can’t target them. And even that wouldn’t be so bad if they didn’t consistently cast Death & Decay.

I doubt I’m the only person to have experienced that (largely because this is in the dungeon finder).

They also keep spawning what I believe are Mutate Lashers.

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This happened to my group tonight. Got to Laj just fine, then these guys showed up. Untargetable, kept dropping black smoke, and really had it out for me (the healer). Caused multiple deaths (but thankfully no total wipes) at Laj. Then they seemed to reset to their positions around the room and we thought/hoped we were good to go. Unfortunately, they started attacking again on the next trash mob and followed us to the final boss, where they nearly caused a wipe again. After the final boss finally died, they vanished again, presumably back to their places near Laj. I checked the dungeon guide and was constantly checking buffs/debuffs during the fiasco, but nothing was there. I don’t get Botanica often, but I’d rather not deal with this again.

Eventually, after the second wipe, we found that if you hugged the absolute edge of the wall behind Laj and make your way along that wall? You can get in to fight Warp Splinter without triggering them.

But, yeah, it’s a colossal pain.

Apparently this bug is still around. We hit it tonight in Timewalker. Thankfully it only killed one person who didn’t move out of the black smoke, but really annoying.