Bot tanks in Timewalking?

Has anyone else noticed tanks botting in Timewalking? I guess it’s easier to get away with as a tank role since the party has to follow the bot (which is usually super over geared, and able to solo pretty much everything on its own) where as a dps or healer would need a smarter AI to stay with the party and not get itself killed by running ahead.

It has led to some situations where we had to kick them whenever they bugged out after they were knocked off their pathing, causing them to just run indefinitely into a wall or something.


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never seen one, just idiot tanks who pull half the dungeon and then can’t hold aggro


That was probably a bot, since they’re not actually paying attention to the team, they just pull to allocated spots and then die and repeat until the party survives. I realize players do that a lot, but that has happened quite often with these bot tanks.

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No, they do not move like bots, they’re just dumb


What is the benefit of bots running timewalking for random groups?

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It’s not been brought up because there are no bots tanking TW dungeons. lol


Not even a thing lol


yea, would legit make almost zero sense, they can level just as well with less detection chance in the overworld


Maybe, they are just bored out there mind playing with one hand?

Mount farming

Some computer science doctoral student doing research for his thesis?

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A bot playing a tank with random players? You’d think they’d probably have other bots to run with to prevent the risk of reports.

What sort of gear were they in OP?

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Preparation for blizz to announce that 3/4 of players have been replaced by bots without us noticing.


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What? Yes there is, we’ve had to kick several of them when their pathing got screwed up. It’s not hard to tell when they’re bots

I didn’t check their gear, I first noticed that obvious bot pathing where they perfectly turn around corners, or when they insta-loot something when it dies. Or they go to fight something, walk backwards to the entrance of a corridor before proceeding forward. They also usually just start running through the dungeon the moment it starts, with or without the party.

So many people don’t believe me here that I wish I actually OBS’d it or something because it was very obvious.

Why would I lie about something like this? it’s not hard to recognize a bot

I mean I doubt there’s any benefit to it besides them not spend time actually running them when they can just turn on an auto-path and bot the run.


That’s gonna be a no from me, dawg

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Well I’ll just keep running them and OBS it so you guys can be the judge. Cause they’re very obviously bots by how they’re pathing or running through the dungeon. lol

What are they gaining? There are faster ways to level, there are better ways for them to farm gold. Are they just doing a public service and helping players now?


I don’t know? The only thing I can think of is that they’re trying to do the Timewalking Weekend challenge and don’t want to actually want to run the dungeon. And since the Timewalking is sort of steamroll they just bot-path the whole thing.

I’ve seen them in every other run so im just gonna obs it and post it here cause im sure I’ll see it again.

WTB bot run so i can AFK at the beginning and get credit for leveling/weekly quest with no fear of being kicked