Bot players are getting out of hand

The number of bots that are present in the world on the Earthfury server is absolutely atrocious. There are at least 150 bots, likely more, online at any given time around the zones, on both horde and alliance. This is not only an issue of breaking TOS, but it is also taking up a significant number of spots on the server. This causes actual players to be caught in small ques to be able to play. These bots negatively affect the server’s economy and new players/levelers experience of the game.

Hundreds of reported bots over 3 weeks and i still see the same names progressing through levels. Level 23 mages wearing the starter robe and gear. Running the same script of spells or attacks on a loop farming and skinning NPC’s that they kill.

I know that each bot is $15 into Activision’s pocket, but for your ACTUAL players, can something please be done to address this massive issue?
Take 5 minutes to watch a guildless mage or hunter player in the Arathi Highlands or Desolace or Hillsbrad, or any damn zone for that matter… and the raw majority of characters are blatantly running tight jerky path’s, repeating the same actions, and not reacting to enemy players. They are non-player controlled. This is negatively affecting gameplay and economies and it seems Blizzard is not going to address it.

Can something please be done?


I agree the botting problem is disgusting. They are in so many zones in groups of 5-7 horde and alliance right beside each other. They are also being parked directly in questing areas so the bot owners obviously have no fear of anything happening. Some botting has been happening this entire time but they were hiding in spots where nobody goes.

It’s like this on every server and I hope Blizzard fixes it. I sadly think it might be they are waiting for their financial report to look good over the $15/month from probably stolen credit cards. :frowning: I want to have more faith but it’s been so long with nothing being done.

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Botting has been a problem since Vanilla. Gold sellers have been a problem since Vanilla. Nothing will get done in any meaningful way. There will be a ban wave. Things will go back to normal for a month or so. rinse and repeat.

Top Private servers run by a handful of people who love the game were able to keep botters off of servers 10k+ in size.

There is absolutely 0 reason that a company as large as blizzard should have an issue this bad, especially with something that breaks their TOS.

A ban wave would be the least they could do to at begin to recognize the issue.

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The bots are actually even worse on Netherwind, which at some points has more bot groups than actual players! And Netherwind has much longer and more frequent queues and lag than Earthfury, if you can believe it.

Now if only Blizzard would publicly connect the dots here, and actually move all the bot accounts to a one-way-ticket botting server, or ban them all and be done with it.