"Bot Issues on 20th Anniversary Vanilla Servers

I’ve noticed a significant increase in bots in lower-level areas of the game. For example, in Duskwood, specifically in the northern part of the graveyard and inside it, you can find about 20 mage bots. These characters kill everything in sight but die quickly if two or more mobs attack them. Their movement and combat patterns are completely identical, making it clear they are not real players.

What’s most concerning is that this is happening on the servers launched for the game’s 20th anniversary, which are currently the most populated servers for the vanilla version of the game. Despite their popularity, Blizzard seems to be doing nothing about this issue. On the contrary, many players fear that if they report or interfere with these bots, they will be the ones getting banned. This gives the impression that Blizzard no longer cares about regular players and is more interested in keeping these bot farms happy and operational.

Talking with several players in the general chat of the area, many warned me not to get involved with the bots because they might mass-report me, resulting in my account being banned instead. This is a serious issue, as it not only affects the gameplay experience for legitimate players but also creates an atmosphere of fear and distrust towards the reporting tools.

Blizzard, are you really paying attention to this problem? As a player, I would like to know if there are concrete plans to address this issue and protect those of us who want to keep the community free from abusive behavior like this.


For this being a repost of a repost of a repost of a repost, you wrote so much text.

I can barely get through it. In fact I simply can’t read that much text. I’m exhausted. I need a nappy nap.


Simple minds are what make them rich, I cant blame you, its your DNA


Did you report them?

This reads like a bunch of FUD. Report bots if you see them, and if you care about that. Of course there’s going to be the most bots on the realms that have the most players actively paying to support bots by buying gold.

Stop buying gold. Stop playing with players who you know are buying gold, if you care about these things.

I don’t think most people care, but what do I know?


Yes, for about 5 days and nothing happened

What did you expect to happen? All bots go away cuz you reported 13 bots ?

Keep reporting them. Provide details about location, time n why you think they were automation. That’s about the best thing you can do, if you really want to help.

It’s a bot world and we’re just living in it.

perma ban gold buyers now matter how little gold they buy, ban their whole battlenet account!


this is the only way to curb RMT but Blizzard no longer employs gamers, they employ marketers and accountants who care nothing for the games integrity…


You are listening to your typical morons found in general chat and then get on here and call somebody simple? Amazing! You really are incredible!

Even if they could abuse reports like that, how would they know unless you specifically told them you were reporting them? Just report and move on. Better yet, find a way to get the bot stuck attacking an evading mob. It’s been a new passtime for me while leveling!

Also, where have you been the past few years? Its been well established blizzard doesnt care about the botting problem. To them it’s not a problem at all. Bot accounts spend money on game time, get banned, then buy more. In retail they inflate the economy so people are motivated to buy tokens and sell them for gold.

Blizzard hasnt been interested in their product for a long time. They just care about the market performance.

We know there are bots.

Blizz knows there are bots.

Everyone knows there are bots.

At this point the horse cannot be beaten because it’s been reduced to atoms.

you must be new around here, so let me catch you up. blizz doesn’t care about bots. there ya go, all caught up.

It’s 4 small paragraphs of well written eloquent text. It literally took me less than 3 minutes to read.

This is the state of the average WoW forum user in 2025 I guess.


I’m still trying to get through it.

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Well they all went home for the Holidays give them time they will be back. You enjoy being off on holidays too right? Let Blizzard’s workers enjoy it as well.

Blizzard doesn’t care at all. They get more sub money from bot “farms” than real players. Classic Vanilla WoW is a complete joke at this point

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you can tell blizzard doenst’ care cause just like in 2019 they say nothing UNLESS it’s gonna affect them stocks have to keep the shareholders happy if onyl they played the game

Sad thing about gold buyers is there is not a way to proove they bought gold unless they admit to doing so. Blizzard can’t track that.

This is my stance too.

Though I get a lot of “Why do you care? it doesn’t affect you.” from people who don’t see the bigger picture.

Most people don’t seem to care or at least don’t care enough to actually do anything about it.

Lots of people agree that buying gold is cheating but they don’t seem to want to kick people from their raid teams or guilds for doing it.