Bot group sighted on WRA

This is very likely the wrong place to post this.

/way 10.49, 43.17 in the Gorloc Shore, Azure Span on server Wyrmrest Accord, you’ll find a group of bots farming up mobs. Reports have already been made, but I saw no reason why it couldn’t be posted here, too.

The names are as follows and are all from the same guild “Maxim waiting room” :

[Reluctantly removed by request]-Illidan
[Reluctantly removed by request]-Illidan
[Reluctantly removed by request]-Illidan
[Reluctantly removed by request]-Illidan
[Reluctantly removed by request]-Illidan
[Reluctantly removed by request]-Illidan
[Reluctantly removed by request]-Illidan
[Reluctantly removed by request]-Illidan

Given that they’re all from the same guild, I suspect all 42 in the guild are also involved in botting activity.


they will get right on that. laughs in classic bg tone, hahahahahaha


Please remove the name(s) of all of the players that are in your original post as it’s against the Forum Code of Conduct.

Also, If you believe you have encountered others violating the Terms of Service, You may report them by Right-Clicking their name and then report them for cheating. You are also welcome to E-Mail a report regarding this to

Just note, Blizzard will not notify you of any potential actions taken for privacy reasons.

I’ll understand the delusions of people obsessed with bots.

Like cool? People have gold. And?

I guess even bots have protection…


This must be a popular spot. I’ve witnessed the same thing on Lightbringer every time I’ve come to the area to level my alts. I’m not sure if they’re bots, but their movements certainly are repetitive. And they don’t try to attack me (I level in War Mode). There’s always a hunter spamming barrage pulling mobs.


Sounds like a multi boxer honestly. One who is also probably violating tos regarding multi box software as well. Not totally sure what they banned that impacted multiboxers but if the player has more than 1 other toon, they are likely violating it. Report and report often.

I have seen ads in group finder for “gorloc xp farm” so they might be powerleveling groups.

It’s gold they didn’t play the game to obtain and the additional gold inflates the auction house and ruins the economy. Blizzard turns a blind eye because it causes people to buy Tokens to keep up with inflation.


Be prepared to be attacked by people who don’t think there are bots in WoW. And there’s a lot of them for some reason. :joy:

I reported a group in Gorloc Shores on Kaelthas/Ghostlands a couple days ago. Im betting they’re still there.