Boss's special lag attack

I wonder if it isn’t all the add-ons causing problems. The devs probably run on clean machines. Back in the day they had 40 man raids with no lag.

Still it is funny that the fanboys were all “See! They listen. They fixed it and it’s so much better!”

Don’t really care that much, just wish they’d get rid of premades in epic BGs.

40 man raids had lots of lag. Even during LK in ICC , we had lag unless you were on a very good machine. I raided ICC at 5fps until i bought a better rig. On a $1k gaming laptop now , and rarely drop below 45 fps. Usually run at around 115 fps

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It’s the servers.

On high end machines you’re still getting high FPS, but you can do 3 GCDs of a rotation and sit there for 10 seconds waiting to see them actually executed.

These big world boss fights usually causes input and loot lag for the rest of the area. Even if you’re no where near the boss fight.


which day?

it must have only been a singular day.

Doing world bosses in mop with 4 full 40 man raid groups and a bunch of stragglers at the same time was less lag than this event with only 50 people.

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Think it was a patch in BfA where zone lag from world bosses became very noticeable. Especially the boss fights in the 8.3 zones. Shadowlands pre patch in Ice crown was real bad. Persisted all through Shadowlands to varying degrees, was bad at the start of dragon flight, been getting better lately, but these event bosses are pretty wild.

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my point was, there’s always been lag when there’s that many people in one spot.

it didn’t start at any particular time, it’s a thing which happens when lots of stuff is happening in a confined area.

Don’t recall it ever being this bad in 40’s in vanilla and TBC, and that was back in the 250 ping DSL days.

Some open world PvP could get this bad, but that was 100v100 type of situations.

Back in my day, it was common for 72-man raids; 12 groups of 6 players in Ever Quest. It was very common for some players to look at nothing but the ground or have their backs to the encounter. We also didn’t have add-on’s available to use, not even Voice Com’s. Everything was by typing in chat.

Biggest raid I ever attended 300+ trying to take down the Sleeper. It was deemed impossible and when it was done it had no loot. Not only was he hard to kill, when wakened he would roam around killing anything for several zones away, yes, he would zone out and into a new zone.

It’s always easier to blame the customer for their connection and computer then game companies to take responsibility to spend some of that cash they make back on the systems that run the game. It is after all the Price of doing business.

Casting KEI and Fot7 at PoK portal in 5 min.

it was still bad.
it’s probably worse now because the graphics are (past my bedtime, can’t think of words) “bigger”? “flashier”? more intense/complex?
everyone wants to run their graphics on the highest settings.
people want to run dozens of addons which get spammed with masses of useless information.

I don’t see issues with graphics, still get my max FPS. And movement seems to be pretty tight as well. The fear on the dragon, 40+ people all get it at the same time and all run off and all recover with no FPS drop.

It’s just the abilities. Pretty sure the way those work is you click a button, it’s sent to the server, but your client doesn’t update until the server says it doing the ability, And that’s where the extreme lag is. Processing combat.

Are you talking about Onyxia? It lags when people don’t kill the whelps.

i haven’t noticed it on onyxia

had a couple of spikes on lich king

I don’t know, but ever since the day TWW pre-patch went live, the lag on my machine has caused me to miss boss kills in Time Rifts, Researchers Under Fire, DF World Bosses, Radiant Echoes, and more because it won’t even show I’m there at the event/boss. It seems like even legacy raids I run with friends for tmogs is affected by this immense lag.

This is the same on the Terenas, Proudmoore and Wyrmrest Accord realms.
My computer and WOW was doing great with no noticeable lag up until pre-patch…but since I have become familiar with every kind of disconnect, lag delay, and connection problem imaginable.

What is more frustrating is that not even all the players are affected by it!!

I have done the following to try to rectify this issue:

  • Disabled and kept off all addons
  • Enabled one addon at a time to see if it is causing the lag
  • Run the Scan and Repair
  • Replaced my WTF folders
  • Checked my dedicated gaming hard drive for space (over 500GB)
  • Made sure all software, drivers, apps, etc. were up to date
  • And I’m sure I’m forgetting something else I’ve tried…

Was hoping the patch today (August 6th) would fix it, but apparently not.

At this point I’m just ready to try and get a refund for my TWW purchase, cancel my sub, and finally be done with this frustrating game.

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