Boss kill times

Just curious as to how long a raid boss would take to kill on average back in vanilla? Once people had a bit of gear on them and were comfortable with the fights etc :slight_smile:

World first Rag kill took almost 7 minutes. Compare that to the first Rag kill on Northdale which took a pug only 2:30. A more recent raid on Northdale killed him in only 1:37.

Just Google vanilla wow world first kills, it will show you videos for world firsts during retail vanilla.

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Cheers mate

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I remember when my guild decided to try split raiding MC on Light’s Hope so we were 20-25 manning it. We actually had a submerge phase and wiped because the only other time we saw a submerge phase was our first kill where we had half of our raid not pre-bis and like level 57+ just so we had bodies.

None of us were prepared to react to it, we didn’t have banishes lined up or a designated collapse point. We actually forgot it was even part of the fight.

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Bro I saw your Netflix movie triple frontier. It was really good! No idea why people hate on you so much.

I am gonna laugh my rear off when players actually realize the raid mechanics can be dangerous even in Vanilla, er I mean Classic…

This is one of those situations where I suspect that Private servers while fun are very wrong in some ways…

If I could have my druthers we would get either a true 1:1 patch progression with the talents / spell updates included…


Serious raid tuning where a true 1:1 patch progression is used as a measure for all NPC related tuning; this way even with a static character version the NPC encounters would play exactly as they did on day 1 regardless of the game state.

The only thing that would need to be addressed would be the tanking mechanics that changed in 1.11, that’s something we ought to really discuss seriously with Blizzard but there are so many people that want EZ mode that its kinda funny when I see those same people saying “But Classic WoW is easy”…

I sit here thinking… Well no kidding when you play it with a 1.12 character and 1.11+ Tanking…

but things like weapon skill, defense skill and resistances are server side and these private servers are using incorrect formulas


While that’s true, we have no idea how far off they are. It’s possible they’re really close, or they could be so far off it’s comical. We have no way of knowing until classic launches.

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Same truthfully. I remember how vindicated I felt when I listened to people screech that Vanilla wasn’t hard, they do the level 100 MC thing and I’m in groups wiping to LUCIFRON because people didn’t know how to remove curses.

Issue is people base the mechanics of Vanilla strictly off of what they recall from MC pretty much, or have seen in videos which fair point, MC was a joke. The same braindead mechanic is used on four bosses. The issue isn’t the complexity of those mechanics, it’s how hard they will bend you over for not obeying them. More notably this is the case in AQ40 where while still easy, if you ignore the mechanics on some fights (I.E don’t interrupt Skeram ever or don’t properly coordinate the group during split) you will wipe. Chromaggus is another where it’s pretty simple. However if he does a bronze breath you need everyone to get hit by it otherwise he just starts going after your dps who aren’t timelocked (people typically LOS this fight)

Edit: C’thun’s first phase also baffled a lot of people. The phase, and the fight itself isn’t really a chore. The majority of the complications guilds will have on this fight is within the first 10 seconds. Where you have to get all 40 people in that room through a bottle neck when he casts infinitely chaining eyebeams every 3 seconds. Your guild has to be coordinated enough to pull that off and the fight is basically over then. Everything else is a walk in the park, stay apart (melee is a detriment on this fight), dps tentacles, kill him in one to two burn phases with the typical DPS people will do with proper gear and 1.12 talents on release.

Though like I said. It’s that one single mechanic that gets guilds for the longest on private servers, it will be no different here. It’s a single mechanic that is so easy to manage but the way you have to pull it off is so incredibly unforgiving if it’s failed you wipe. RNG factors in but with bad timing or rhythm, one unfortunate eyebeam on the running in team if they aren’t far enough out can wipe 20 still waiting to get into the room who are all hiding LOS to not get targeted.

Oh people will have a lot of fun learning that one.

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Pre-tuned eye… jesus… It reminds me of a certain song… Not sure how you feel about techno… This really does explain pre-tuned eye; it was bad, but we did try!

Ranges from just a few minutes to 15 minutes or more for some fights in Naxx.

Better gear, consumables and experienced players help.

yep first time i ran this was, i think, in tbc, and that’s exactly what happened.