Borrowed Power has always existed. Why is it viewed so negatively now?

I’m happy corruption is going. It’ll be just as irrelevant as tier sets are.

Legion. With an entire borrowed power system. Tier was not that.

It’s not nitpicking. They’re entirely different.

Badges and Conquest didn’t continuously up your power, ilevel, give you major talents and abilities nonstop, level by level with those points.

Once you got tier, you were done. It didn’t continually level up higher with no end in sight and major talent abilities. One raid, one set, done till the next raid. It also wasn’t detrimental to all gameplay. If you didn’t have it, you could still perform. You didn’t get major abilities from tier.

Sorry, but you’re wrong.


I’m pretty sad, I had to do weekly contents for months to upgrade the cloak, and farm echoes and get corrupted items. Just to be competitive.

And now, a server shutdown is making all of that go Poof.

Proving Borrowed power is bad.


So what your saying is if I get a three second cooldown reduction on rising sun kick from the legion artifact, thats bad. However, If I get the same thing from a tier set, thats good?

I don’t understand how you can’t see the similarities.

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Yes, because it goes poof on a Tuesday, after a server shutdown, and it took you days/weeks of farming content to even activate it.

Yes, because that’s just gear upgrades. You get it from a boss. Then you’re done. You don’t have to grind out Maw of Souls for days/weeks continuously. Once and done, gear upgrade. Everyone loves gear upgrades.

It’s pretty baffling to me you don’t understand how people have loved gear upgrades forever, but despised running weekly visions and doing the dailies to get the currency for it, for months and months and months only to have all of it deleted in 2 days.


You’re giving a piss poor example. Try giving an example of an actual TALENT ABILITY.

Not to mention, AP was still used to constantly level up the weapon. It never ended.

Raid tier is a small bonus, given once, never leveled up infinitely, not a major talent ability that makes or breaks you character.

A few posts in explains it well:


And you lost it as soon as you needed to replace that gear in BFA. Borrowed power.

It never used to happen that your tier sets were removed from you or disabled in the prepatch, leaving you half naked. It always used to be you replaced them when you got something better.


Okay, so that is one thing that can help make them feel better - us replacing the power willingly (if inevitably) rather than it being shut off. These are the kinds of suggestions we can provide.

Wrong. It was a minor bonus that wasn’t detrimental to gameplay. It wasn’t constantly being upgraded. They weren’t major abilities and talents where our classes were gimped down before we were given Artifacts and Azerite and Convenants.

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So does the tier bonus the moment you replace it with either gear from the next tier or a green from the next expansion.

Unless you wanna tell me you regularly break out that dragon soul tier set to raid current content in.

I dunno about you but I actually dislike farming for raid tier.
With borrowed power, I have a clar goal ahead of me that I slowly obtain by playing the game normally. With tier I can go literal months rolling the dice and never see it.

So don’t feed me this “Everyone loves this” bull crap.

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Essences weren’t constantly upgraded either. Once you got the right neck level to equip it and Rank 3/4 you were done.

I agree Azerite was poorly implemented.

Thank you Mr. Hall Monitor for letting us know which suggestions have your stamp of approval, and which do not, both of which your bosses will ignore because they don’t fit into The Master Plan™.

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You’re welcome! But what is the “master plan?”

Essences were a side bonus and not the major abilities. Now you’re moving goalposts.

Essences weren’t the throwaway system. Azerite was.

It’s the ever increasing amount…
Our characters stop “evolving” at 100 and from there on, every single new thing is a borrowed power, artifact, HoA, Corruptions and so on.

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Nope, I didn’t lose it when I need to replace gear. I kept it equipped and working until I found a gear upgrade, which is a naturally thing in WoW.

It kept working beyond the Tuesday maintenance.

Which is impossible with borrowed power systems.

Replacing gear with more gear is not a Tuesday maintenance where things just go Poof.

It just drops in your bags naturally from raiding.

You don’t like gear upgrades ? You might be playing the wrong game. This is literally a gear threadmill.

No, they were worse. They had 2 Ranks, which took increasingly long to get. The Lucid Dreams one was an insane grind to Rank 3.

And they were stuck in content most people didn’t want to focus on. Need C&S ? Rated PvP! Oh it’s your BiS for Raiding ? Too bad, Rated PvP it is!

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You guys are all over the place as to what constitutes “Borrowed Power”

Concise definition? And how every new expansion doesn’t invalidate it?

This I do agree with.

BFA had an absurd amount of systems that didnt tie together at all. Legion was a bit messy with how much it threw at you as well but was far more manageable.

From what I’ve seen, I’ve got a lot of hopes for shadowlands because, while it looks like a lot, It honestly feels like way less to manage than Legion at launch and less dumb than Azerite armor.

I just hope they, instead of adding more systems, add more choices to old systems.

I’m not debating with you anymore.
You’re butchering all context out of my post and completely ignoring the argument I’m making.

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But you didn’t need to do anything once you got the gear, which is something you ignored. And the rep grinds and attunements very quickly fell by the wayside, they weren’t expansion-long endeavors. Something else you ignored.