Boring 2-button frost DK vs. overcomplicated 1000 buttons Unholy DK?

Your pick would be?

Frost just push whatever flashes on the screen
Unholy needs to push 10 buttons before actually starting to deal damage

I just like Unholy for the zombie minions gameplay. Same reason I like to play Demo Locks.

I couldn’t imagine thinking anything was actually complicating in this time period of the game.


I play Unholy on my DK.

Well, unholy is.

First you put diesese
Then you put one debuff
Then you need to pop up this debuff
You also have pet
That pet is buffed by another ability
There’s also abilty that can be used when target has 4 stacks of your initial debuff
And gargoyle
And spend runic power on death coil that doesn’t really deal any damage but it’s still only ability to spend power on
Oh, there’s also AOE skill that allows you to pop up your debuff on all targets
Not to mention all active pvp abilities

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I have always preferred the class fantasy of Unholy DKs. Never found a good rhythm playing them so I play frost.

Its not just about the number of buttons (I mained a feral druid for most of Wrath - was THE complicated spec then).

I wish I could play Unholy, I would never touch Frost again (except old raid clears)

Blood DK, for about 4 buttons plus my trinket/whatever essences.

Yeah, since I have the 2 hand weapon I also tried unholy GOSH THAT IS COMPLEX! DID NOT LIKE. I’m Blood all the time, liking it. Solo fights might be long, but I can’t die and usually other people jump in, while I press buttons and read things.

Frost is just as unfun

Use Rune weapon
Use pillar of frost
Use remorseless winter+trinket
Use blood of the enemy if you use it or other essence

Literally wasting 4 GCD before you are actually able to attack, thanks blizz, this feels so much fun


Frost DK has only 2 buttons ?

Festermight UH is basically the same as gathering storm frost.

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You sound like someone who has been playing frost for years, and just now are trying out unholy.

Give it a bit. You’ll find unholy to be even worse than frost.

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None. DK’s just doesn’t feel like the DK’s that I once knew.

wow, I feel like nobody here actually knows how to play a frost DK beyond what they see on the screen

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This is clearly a troll thread, but that’s what I expected from Edgyjojomeme.

Unholy isn’t that complex. Like sure you have a lot of buttons to press to get your damage rolling, but to say it’s “overcomplicated 1000 buttons” spec is just an overexaggeration. MoP Unholy was actually complex, current Unholy is kinda watered down.

With PVP talent Necrostrike & nearly all my regular talents adding another hotbar button–I still find DK pretty simple to manage.

Setup some Weakauras to help you track applied/missing debuffs & stacks. Then it just becomes Frost, waiting on things.