Between Xbox and Playstation, what is your preferred console?
Edit: Decided to upgrade PC, thanks for your feedback.
Between Xbox and Playstation, what is your preferred console?
Edit: Decided to upgrade PC, thanks for your feedback.
For someone with a decent gaming PC already, I think Playstation makes more sense as a companion console. Most Xbox games run on PC too (and Microsoft is blurring the lines between the two further as time goes on), so an Xbox won’t do much to widen game selection. PS5 is backward compatible too (aside from I think 8 oddball titles) so it gets you both future current/future PS5 games in addition to the entire PS4 lineup.
hard to get a ps5 atm but I agree with getting playstation
PS5. It can still play PS4 games as well.
I like my series X a lot. Microsoft’s been doing a great job with backwards compatibility, cross play with PC, and game pass. I think a lot of people don’t realize how good of a product game pass really is. You can convert 3 years of xbox live gold to 3 years of game pass ultimate for ~$180. That gets you access to the PC and Xbox versions of game pass and EA play.
Microsoft’s adding new games to game pass now as well. In the last three weeks alone they’ve added Outriders and MLB the show. Games like Halo, Forza, Avowed, Elder Scrolls, Fable, Starfield, etc, all go up there day one. Most of those games are going on the PC version as well.
I’m not thrilled with Sony lately. They’ve done a lot of little things that have added up in my eyes. Jim Ryan seems clueless and I’m hoping he doesn’t derail the brand the way Don Mattrick did to Xbox. The last two Playstations I’ve bought collected a lot of dust, Big exclusive comes out, wait another year or two for the next one. Sony’s exclusives are starting to come to PC too with Horizon Zero Dawn and Days Gone.
Just my two cents hope I didn’t ramble on too much.
Another thing to consider the types of games you play or want to play. For example, for JRPGs you’re gonna want a Playstation and/or Switch since most of those don’t get PC ports and those that do tend to have notoriously bad ports. On the other hand if $COMPETITIVE_ONLINE_SHOOTER
is more your speed, Xbox probably has you covered.
Not being combative, just looking for perspective — what would you say is the value proposition of an Xbox for the owner of a decent PC? Most Xbox titles run on Windows, and one can get an Xbox pass without an Xbox for access to those games.
I like owning an Xbox because there’s always going to be games that only release on console or have console exclusive windows. Rockstar loves to do that with games like RDR/GTA , sports games like NHL and MLB often don’t make it to PC either. I also refuse to download the epic games store which has been buying up exclusivity deals with everything they can get their hands on. Xbox is the only reason I played the Tony Hawk remakes or had access to Tetris Effect.
The true value in it is game pass though. Having a massive library available right away is awesome. It encourages you to try out different games you otherwise wouldn’t buy or even know exist. If you buy your games new MLB the show is $70 and Outriders is $60, that’s already $130’s worth the games just in the last few weeks. The Bethesda acquisition means all their games will be added day one as well. It’s the equivalent of Netflix for gaming, once other companies catch on we’ll start seeing competitors everywhere.
Backwards compatibility is also great. They’re increasing the resolution and frame rate on older games which is awesome. Being able to play the first red dead in 4k is great. They also just introduced FPS boost and started increasing xbox one games to 60 fps. On the other side of the gaming world Nintendo’s making Mario all stars a limited time game and Sony is shutting down the PS3/PSP/Vita store.
You also have to factor in building a PC is a mess currently. I’m still chugging along on my 4770k/1080ti build because trying to get parts right now is nearly impossible. HDR monitors are also non-existent and that’s a great feature.
I’ll own every console eventually I’m just going to wait for an upgraded PS5 model and the exclusives to come out before I invest.
Yeah that makes sense, still seems a bit genre-sensitive though. Like in my case I could see wanting to play RDR and maaaaaybe GTA, but NHL and MLB are a big nope.
Lucked out a bit on this, before component availability went down the toilet I upgraded my daily driver to a 5700XT and just a few months ago reappropriated it as a living room gaming box. The GPU isn’t the most powerful thing out there, but it balances nicely with a 6700k CPU and it’s enough to run a surprising number of games at 4k reasonably and others at 1080p/1440p, and the TV has good HDR support so that works out too.
PS and XBOX are both great. Just buy whatever your friends have so you can jam together.
i’d simply wait until the new ones stay in stock. as for which one i prefer? PS but thats only because of 2 reasons. 1. i like the exclusives better then xbox hell GTA was a PS exclusive before it went on xbox as well if i recall correctly. 2. all my irl friends that say they play xbox don’t play xbox at all. hell i played more then them and this was when we were younger had time to play and what not.
they play so casually to the point its not worth getting an xbox at all.
Both are fine console systems. What you need to ask yourself is what type of games do you like to play? The biggest thing you’re going to run into with certain games is console exclusivity. Most JRPGs will end up on the PS5 while other big action title games will end up on the Xbox. Another benefit of the Xbox is their game pass which is also on the PC. One monthly sub and you have access to hundreds of games to play, and none of which you actually have to physically buy.
Either way I recommend you look at both consoles existing title list and availability and then make a decision for yourself. And best of luck!
Is PCSX2 with Imgburn and shoping for old PS2 games off of amazon is a valid choice?
Because otherwise i recommend the PC.