Bored of Shadowlands Already?

Is anyone else feeling incredibly bored of this expansion already? I know there’s at least two of you who want to slam the reply button and question why I’m on the forums of a game I’m bored of, but I’ve played WoW for years and I find it a bit of a bummer that I feel this way.

I think it’s the setting. We’ve been to an alien world, an alternate timeline, just about every corner of Azeroth, but…going to the afterlife is such a weird disconnect that it’s jarring. Like. The afterlife. We’ve got a portal. In Stormwind, and Orgrimmar…

To the afterlife.

I think the story is past its expiration date and that itself bothers me, even if the individual storylines within each zone are interesting.

Anyone else share this feeling?


I don’t see the problem? What’s wrong with going to another realm/plane?

It’s not “another realm”. It’s the afterlife, where we go when we’re dead.


The only thing I’m truly bored with is Torghast, world quests, mission tables, the Maw TYVM, and callings. One week in and I’m already sick of doing chores.

The story was standard boilerplate for Blizzard other than Ravendreth which was maybe two cuts above their usual.

The raid’s not even out yet, give it a minute.

That’s not really meaningful feedback if that’s your only objection.


It’s another plane of existence in the cosmology of Warcraft.


Is it not? I genuinely feel weird about the fact that, in lore, you can go visit the afterlife like you’re going to Pandaria.


It is another realm. The Shadowlands is a collection of realms made/ruled by the Eternal Ones.

It’s where mortal souls go when they’re dead, though.


Only because they are brought there. It’s not the place where they must go to.

Uhh, what?

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It’s the “afterlife” in the sense that it’s where souls go, yes. But it’s also a physical place that exists simultaneously with the material plane.

If you’re familiar with Dungeons and Dragons, Shadowlands isn’t very exotic at all.


If a Kyrian doesn’t take your soul you just wander in the Spirt World, basically what happens when your character dies. We’ve seen souls go to other places such as Helheim and the Halls of Valor.

Yeah because a crazy lady ripped up a magic helmet and it shattered the sky, duh. Because she talked to big BDSM daddy and he told her to to free everybody by enslaving them.

If this doesn’t make sense to you I don’t know why.


I mean, I’m familiar with D&D, but this isn’t D&D.

Death used to have permanence and consequence. Now, does it? I don’t know. I even felt like Ysera’s beautifully sad death was diminished because, y’know, she just appears now in this other realm.

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Set reality aside and embrace the fantasy world. Things don’t make any sense? That’s A-O-K it doesn’t have to. And who’s to say there isn’t an after life or something else just a dimension away, we humans think we know everything but I don’t think we do.

Sure, and I get that, but it just…feels odd. I hate to say it, but it feels like bad story and I’m usually first in line to defend new and unusual lore.

She did almost die again. I can’t figure out how you die once, go to the afterlife and then die again though. That’s weird.
I agree with you, it’s super strange to be able to teleport back to Org/SW and personally I’ve been keeping myself from going back to either this expac. There’s enough people on Brutosaurs in Oribos around to push the need to ever go anywhere else into the back of my mind.

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Nope, I find it really engaging and look forward to playing each night :+1:t2:

Ripping open a hole in the fabric of space to go from Org to TB really isn’t all that different from ripping a hole in the fabric of space to go to another plane. Just a matter of destination.

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Nah, nothing about that is crazy to me. There’s been enemies and spells that rend our souls for damage but now we can see what that means. It’s always been high-fantasy fanfic-tier writing so this is the natural course. If this were D&D we’d be level 20 characters waiting for the DM to come up with something that could slow us down, so the DM let’s the players traverse the planes of the afterlife. It’s pretty standard. I’m liking it so far, Torghast, the maw and all.