<Borealis> Recruiting Raiders for Cata. Sun 4-7st

is currently recruiting for our main raid. We are a tight-knit group of long time raiders with experience ranging from mythic retail to all of classic. Our focus is 10-man content with raiding once weekly. We intend to embrace “semi-hardcore” - an emphasis on performance and progression while maintaining our culture of fun and an enjoyable raid atmosphere.

Raiders are expected to have a general knowledge of all fights. Consumables and enchants are expected as usual. Along with a positive group mentality and a desire to push your performance and clear all content.

:bangbang: Raid Days/Time​:bangbang:(All times are listed in Server Time)
Sundays 4-7pm

Loot Council. Loot is awarded in a logical manner taking into account performance, attitude, attendance among other things to determine where loot best benefits the entire raid group.

Current Needs - DPS (prefer ranged), Tank, & Non-disc heals
:sparkles:All exceptional players feel free to apply​:sparkles:
Casuals/levelers are welcome

Please Message @Squirtsy/Lurtsy, or Discord @han.mills If interested