lol okay buddy
Doing dungeons is a big part of the normal way. Players were complaining that it was too hard to find groups to do dungeons that were designed by blizzard to be run. The lfd just helps you find groups to do dungeons. You still have to do them. You can’t afk after you find a group with the lfd. Most of the people I knew didn’t just do dungeons using the lfd. They also quested and farmed in the zones.
They mess up the hole chat. Reporting them is useless and the ignore list doesn´t seem to work. Hate them.
You know you can just add them to your ignore list right?
[quote=“Nocht-runetotem, post:44, topic:1189978, full:true”]
You know you can just add them to your ignore list right?
Ya but it’s an inadequate solution and puts you out of sequence with the scroll rate of chat so you don’t realize 2 sec after you post it gets spammed out of existence on others screen, but hangs in your window. Between boost spam and gdkp adverts, lfg has become the gold farming channel.
It’s pretty impossible to follow on Bene.
[quote=“Rallyna-mankrik, post:45, topic:1189978, full:true”]
Sounds like a user problem, you should be using LFG Bulletin board since blizzard refuses to add a proper LFG Tool.
Definitely a problem for normal players, big qol issue too
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