Boosting Services

Hello everyone

I’m offering a freehold boosting service for players on Kil’jaeden can boost in 2-3 hours from 110-120.

I also offer legion boosting and if you are a group of friends will offer a discount for running your group.

Times are flexible and can do level by level if you can’t stay the whole time or would rather do your last 3 levels.

Following your boost I offer m+ carry runs keys are limited and offer armor stacking for more loot

Message me for prices and if you have any other questions at sheldog#1842

Used Adronor’s services twice!
Super cool guy that has a cool group he plays with.
I, like many who are intrigued by in game boosting for in game currency, am just coming back to BFA and am looking to get going asap.

I might add that I am receiving nothing for posting this, I just think he is a cool dude with a legit in game business.

Thumbs up buddy!