Boosting saved WoW

Are you specifically talking about PvP when you say Play to Win? For the PvE part, so what if we win. In fact that’s the idea, if you can’t do the quests, you don’t get the next one and the game, for all practical purposes is dead.

As for Dungeons, so what if you have someone on your team who is powerful because he bought something. He’s going to help you win for free.

Just buy up all the mats on the AH and turn around and sell it for twice as much! How much more fun is that? NONE.

Pay2win or “boosting” is a difficult one to tackle. If you want to pay2win you should be entitled to do so, so long as it doesn’t negatively impact the play or experience of other gamers.

For example, I have just come back to after ~6 months off. Without raiding or M+ I am capped out at a ilvl252 rewards but then all other content in wow is balanced around gear being available up to 270+… specifically the jailers gambit, layers 3 and 5 are 260 (heroic) and 275 (mythic) gear. Neither of these modes have anything to do with raiding \ M+ but they are balanced with that gear in mind. i.e without 260 / 270 world gear available, my progress is impeded because the developers have balanced the content to be out of reach.

I think a solution is for all gear to capped to an ilvl obtainable outside of raids/M+/PVP but powered to its full potential in the mode its obtained from… e.g outside mythic raids gear is ilvl252 inside its 278 or whatever.

The other option is wow continues with its current design and stays around 1-2 Million subs.

The subscription fee, but as I outlined in my above post. Its not about “I want shiny rewards because those guys have them”, its about the game being balanced around having those shiny rewards or having a subpar play experience.

Blizzard can design their game how they want, I am giving feedback around why I quit/don’t play and why I think their strategy wont work in attracting/retaining new players.

As a guild who finishes the tier much faster than the average WoW player, boosting is about the only way i can encourage my guys to show up for raid once prog is over.

We sold two jailer kills+mounts this week and have 8 more lined up. It’s a great way to get players to stay subbed.

Yeah its suppose to be but personally I find it troublesome and not worth my time as I am fortunate enough to have friends to play with.

The time investment for 252 gear is just not worth it when you can just spam M15’s to farm upgradable loot/tier.

Well, that’s certainly a take. I think boosting has further destroyed the game’s economy and social aspects, personally.

Here’s a much better idea:

Instead of having an infinite ilvl treadmill that, once you’re behind on you can’t effectively catch up unless everyone else on the treadmill pauses that you effectively need to pay real money to get back on, you instead design gear and encounters for specific ilvl expectations, and then encourage alts with account-wide XP boosts per max level toon, while also widening class-race options or removing such restrictions entirely? That sounds like a much more fun and replayable game to me!

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not quite. i have been in dungeons with many people that were 270-280 ilvl and i destroyed them on my newish leveled 250-260 alts. not to mention their constant taking damage and dying. thats when i know it was some noob that “paid” for his runs to get all his gear.

You should have named your character Lfb: Looking for boost!

It’s just one service of exchanging tokens for gold.

Tokens also have more than just that use. What people choose to use the gold on is their choice.

Blizzard isn’t offering the service so it’s not pay to win.

Hard concept is hard for you.

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This is actually false. Each tier has an ilvl cap that makes it easy to catch up to if you actually play the game.

Boosting just speeds the process up

A fool and their money.

No you need better time management. I play as little as 8 hours a week because of life commitments. I still mythic raid, have 4 toons Between 2700-3k, help communities do their AOTC runs, etc. Just stop wasting time with excuses.

And before you try, I work 45-50 hours a week. Plus I run a fashion blog, I spend my 2 days off taking care of my father in law, I am on the board of 5 nonprofit charities and have meeting to attend, events to attend and plan, etc.

My partner works off hours from 3pm-1130 so I’m up late, I cook dinner at midnight. I am the primary care taker of our dog and he’s a border collie so he needs attention all day. I also do most of the chores because I work a regular 9-5.

I also have several circles of friends of which some play other games like rocket league and league of legends. I also stream, play games like flight aim and racing simulators.

So don’t tell me you NEEDED to buy booster, you’re just lazy with awful time management…

There is nothing enjoyable about being stuck in or below the cypher mine bracket of 255ish. It is the floor of participation cutoff. You’re lower than 255? Go back to zm, get your double 291s and buy some pvp trinkets. You’re a hindrance to others and it shows you don’t care enough to play to bring bare minimum to the teamwork table.

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To the contrary, getting boosted is an efficient use of time and shows great time management skills :slight_smile:

But when boosting finally gets banned he won’t have those time management skills available.

Boosting will never be banned and even if it was it will still happen.

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how did this obvious troll get unflagged :wink:

we probably have 1/10th of the pop we had back when there was no token and the game was thriving lol

if by saved you mean buried it deep - then i agree.