So it’s interesting to me because this is precisely the kind of heated discussion my friends and I have been having this week about this change. On one hand, sure, if Blizzard intended to nerf solo mage levelling, this is an incredibly effective way to do so.
However from my PoV, there is not a single inkling of evidence suggesting that was the intended target of this nerf in the post announcing it: Adjustments to Dungeon Creature Behavior and Group XP - #3 by Drooler-grobbulus. The post specifically mentions (i) boosting; (ii) RMT; (iii) gold farming bots. It does not even allude to solo levelling.
While I’m new to Classic, all I’ve been told about the community is that they want “no changes”. I remember dinging 60 on my very first toon as a mage in Zul’Gurub over 15 years ago solo farming those mobs, after spending lots of time solo levelling in both ZF and Mara. That practice has continued unabated for years; why target it now? And without mentioning it?
If this was what Blizzard intended with these changes, all I’m asking is for some clarity on that.