Boosting Group Scam

Idk, depends on the person.

It’s just what I think.

How much did you pay? lol

And I’m sorry about the scam. Did the GM’s do nothing, don’t they have the logs? Why don’t they punish these people and give you back your gold?!

Should know better not to buy boosts…its the risk you take

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Most people are conditionally made to be unable to empathize in today’s world. If it didn’t happen to them, they can’t relate. Its unfortunate but that’s the reality of the situation. I’m surprised that the GM’s didn’t do anything about it either lol


Last minute carry groups are almost all scammers

Gratz btw

Some people play for the social/rp/collection aspect and challenge rewards are just cosmetics to sit on :woman_shrugging:

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Just today I got a scam call about the camp Lejeune lawsuits. Just fishing for personal information. Scam nation.

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These are extremely common and have been around for months, I had to deal with someone impersonating my guild for weeks. I sent them a message one day that had some pretty strong words in there and to my surprise they actually responded to me with relax bro.

Only ever contact a guild directly if you are interest in sales.


Sorry you got scammed OP


Thanks haha, but again the point of my post is just to share with the community what’s happening, especially for those who may be unsuspecting, this post will definitely make them think twice when facing similar situations. I’m still seeing discord messages of people getting caught with the same scam, so I figured this was the least I could do

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Not a very realistic suggestion if you’re referring to this season of SL.

Everything you’ve suggested takes time and there is what a month left before SL is going in the gutter.

Even for you personally do you think you can make friends > form a mythic raid team > down 10 mythic bosses in a month being an borderline AotC player?

I’d say even for a CE raider it will be impossible given the amount of time we have left.

The players that buy achievements don’t care about earning it that’s why they are buying it in the first place :man_facepalming:

Their only option is to buy it this late into the expansion.


I think Blizzard needs to take a more active role in policing this kind of transaction.

I get why they took a hands off approach for the entire thing until they gave the boosters their own channel.

If they’re going to help boosters then Blizzard needs to also help the people they scam.


I literally just got kicked from an LFG group who was going to do Mythics Sylvannas, My BF and I were top 5 damage and doing mechanics, and once we got Sylvannas, they dropped a warlock summoning portal and we got kicked with no word as to why. It just goes to show there are shady people everywhere.

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I have said it before, I will say it again, if you are going to buy a boost, don’t hand the gold over until you are in the raid, at the boss.

Level 1’s advertising carries/boosts are ALWAYS scammers. Just report them and move on.

You can also google boosting discords/guilds and look at their reviews to see if they are legit or not.

They need to implement some sort of system where if the agreed upon service’s criteria is met, the gold is given to the seller and the item or achievement is given to the buyer. Otherwise the transaction becomes void. Mind you though, the seller would have the shorter end of the stick in this situation depending on the service

I don’t know about all that but if someone purchases a service from an advertisement they seen in the new in-game channel and they get scammed (verified through in-game chat logs; Discord chat is just out of luck) then Blizzard should return their gold.

Atm Blizzard is sending mixed messages to people.


I got hit by these once

damn thats… i think thats good, less people buying carries for fear or making friends to get a carry

They did have that with boosting communities acting as an Escrow service and pair up legitimate guilds with buyers to prevent people from getting scammed.

Blizzard shut that down because of the mass pressure from the community saying how WoW was P2W (thats another debate) so now we’re left with scammers taking advantage of players.

To all the people crapping on the OP (there are 2 others that have posted about the same scam in this thread alone) for getting scammed please have a little bit of compassion, it’s a crappy situation and these players don’t get any other options to acquire high end rewards tied with FOMO with the amount time we have left.

Boosting in general is bad for the community but with a month left in SL there isn’t too many options if you wanted Mythic level loot, most of the players that cleared that content have stopped playing months ago.

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Agreed, a problem they wouldn’t have if they hadn’t legitimized boosting.

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