Boosting and RMT in Rated PVP

No shame or judgement on you guys.

And tbh tho all publicity is good.

Might give some insight for others. Good coverage is my call on it!!!


If everyone was equally geared or at least in the same ballpark, I wouldn’t care about boosting because it would be just a really good player and a really bad player.

But when you have a glad weap and gear vs, people are who still progressing, it kinda sucks, especially during the season there’s this window sweet spot where boosters are really reigning supreme. Usually when they start pumpin in the glad upgrades ahead of everyone else, and majority are still wearing honor gear. I wouldn’t care if the glads stayed in their bracket, but when boosting happens and you see em in the lower brackets doing their bizniz, it’s annoying/demoralizing.

I’ll bite the bullet and risk the punishment.

Used to do it a long time ago, dealt my time with bans. But generally this type of stuff is always a thing no matter where you go, due to gameplay. Players get to the point where they reach a standard above the norm and can “reliably” help people get what they want, this being extremely prominent in EU atm. You see this in every game, League, Overwatch, TFT, etc… It’ll always be present due to factors that are generally outside of the game. People have a life, jobs, etc. but want rewards that they can’t sink time into, or are perhaps too old and slow, thus believing they are unable to ever acquire it.

Is it bad for the game? Not necessarily. I think it has its place everywhere, especially in a game where you’re not piloting another persons’ char, since you’re effectively putting the game into a 2v3. There are extreme circumstances cough WODs3 asbur cough but for the most part, playing 2v3 is generally a hinderance and only really works through abusing something extremely broken or relying on new players really not understanding PVP again. Not many people go past 2100 afaik, there are a few who get r1 or glads, but that pool is substantially smaller than you’d actually think it is.

Honestly, if anything, I think it points out to other players that some r1s/glads/etc. are really ego inflated. That these players think they’re something special but are actually just abusing something broken, and you see this when they can’t abuse the same broken crap next season. E.g. A lot of WWs tried to do this last 8 seasons, but the very next season they fell off a bridge. In comparison I do gold carries, or just carries on stream for free, and I’ve been doing that since MOP, not trying to say I’m something insane, but it just flows freely into my playstyle that I can help other people while also helping them learn the game.

The only problem I disagree with, is it gives the boosted player an ego in some situations. We all see it. Someone who clearly isn’t good but has 21/24/glad, etc… who knows fk all but thinks they’re something insane, but when the pressure is put on by people with hands, these players crumble like any 1500 player would.


I really truly do not see the difference in RMT boosting and gold boosting anymore. Not even trolling, I don’t even know how they could be genuinely labeled as different.


One gives you a paycheque IRL. One gives you gold.

People sell gold for a paycheck on this game every single day. How is it different if I pay someone 3 mil gold and they turn around and sell it for $500, vs just paying them $500 to boost me to glad or w/e


Some guy streamed himself buying a selfplay and the only thing that happened was that the thread got nuked.

I can’t actually explain how stupid this logic is

There’s literally no reason to push it to that. I’m genuinely framing my argument, I can easily take you down a rabbit hole of embarrassment if we want to do that though.

Oh lmfao, you’re telarine/visions, no wonder.

ill q into carries all day before i touch a bottlenecked pve scene

tbh have had a lot of good matches against carries

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I don’t think there is one anymore. At this point they’re both harmful. The only difference now is that blizzard sells the gold so they’re A-OK with gold boosting lmao.

As for any problems with taking up spots on the ladder or earning things. Kind of a subjective topic. Depends on who you ask and in what context. People have been devaluing others achievements since before achievements even existed. But it does probably suck that people who could’ve been within a cutoff aren’t due to other people paying to have the spot. Dunno. I don’t push, so I don’t feel comfortable talking about other peoples experiences.


Yeah I mean it boils down to wether blizzard gets the real money.

And tbh it’s a lesser evil for some person trying to make a living providing a service than some over bloated garbage service provider like blizzard to operator under a veil of sacredness and wholesome values.

Ban it completely if that’s the game. If not then stfulol

I mean, on one hand sure. Screw blizzard. On the other it’s not really a whataboutblizzard thing. They can both be garbage at the same time.

They used to? I think? One of the other problems is how easy it is to get back into the game? Boosters just buy their way back. Look at the TBC eu ladder, blizzard basically tactical nuked it for all the piloting and every single one of them are still playing.

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Guess it depends on the source sure.

Ultimately that’ll come down to an opinion tho. Which is pointless to debate.

So the best we can do is view it systematically. So it’s either ban all forms or none at all.

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Seems like a really black and white choice imo. Either blizzard has integrity or they don’t. Guess we’re out of luck on boosting.

This is exactly my sentiment. I’ve done my fair share of “gold” boosts in prior expansions, and you’re literally getting whispers from people saying, “Let me go buy some tokens and wait for them to sell”.

Like okay, cool, so this guy went and spent $150 on tokens, for this 4x m+ I’m doing for him. I don’t really grasp how people rationalize that as different than if the dude just paypal’d me $150 instead of blizzard, but clearly some people think that way.

Additionally, spots have always been a point of contention right? It’s always something. Either a cheater gets it, or someone boosted gets it, or some dumb comp takes up a majority of spots, or people play 5 alts to r1 and take up 5 spots that way.

Idk, end of the day boosting is dumb but it aint going anywhere and at this point it doesn’t matter if its rmt or not for us, its all rmt for blizzard.


Seaney? He’s perma’d

I think blizzards playing no hands because if they do it’ll bring streamers and viewer games into the fold which is muddy and unchartered territory.

No, the other one from s1 that got knocked back down to elite.



I imagine avoiding RMT in online games is for more serious legal issues. Like he said he paypal’d you $150 for the service provided in game. It has nothing to do with the other exchange of goods irl. For example. Kind of like the Diablo RMAH? Maybe i’m not understanding well enough and it’s just harmless profit, but blizzard wants all of it if there’s any.