"Boosters" - why are you here?

The majority of people buying boosts are those who RMT’d, so yes.


This is actually exactly what I wanted and exactly what I’ve gotten out of this game.

(I don’t care about boosters either way).

Both boosting and GDKP runs both help facilitate RMT to a large extent, as they act as large gold recyclers.

Oh, but we did. Those of us who realized what we got are already gone - leaving well, the players that we have now.

The answers to this are straight forward.

First and for most, it’s about power. People who sell boosting services want to acquire as much gold as possible for a number of reasons. From parsing higher with consumes, to being prepared for TBC economy.

Second it’s about lack of things to do in the game. Once you get your guy to 60 there is very little you can do each way to keep getting them gear. You get your set of raids and that’s it. SO people think why not make another character.

Not much more to talk about here.

Yeah all my vanilla buddies left me behind. Joke is on me because I had zero interest in Classic (cuz Blizzard) but I let myself get suckered back into it and now Im the last man standing…again. This happened to me back in retail too with MoP.

On topic I think its okay for boosters to admit theyre lazy and dont really care about the game. You dont have to blame Classic for your own actions.

I think he’s thinking about it more like a starting over in a game you already beat. The first time around you want to get to the end on your own. The second time around, it’s time to use every cheat and guide you can find to get everything in the game.

i guess what people have to realize is that Classic is a different crowd. And the people who originally asked for Classic most likely aren’t around anymore, and didn’t ask for … this.

So the whole you think you do but you don’t doesn’t apply to this crowd at all. We’re long gone.

I figured it out real quick when I was combing through posts like “well, as the 11th best parsing boomkin in north america…”

In a way, its kinda always been that way, even in vanilla. Except in the earlier days there was enough room for everyone to coexist - it doesnt feel like that anymore.

There are no “Classic Devs”. You really think Blizzard is wasting dedicated developer time on Classic?

“Classic Developers” are just retail developers with a priority queue of bugs with Classic bugs being the lowest on the totem pole.

As for “getting TBC ready” in terms of development they’ll have a few retail developers cobble whatever it takes to get it up and running and then back to Shadowlands slag pit.

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Well then i guess it did apply to you didn’t it, since you left?

That’s right, I don’t play anymore nor do i play retail. I played Classic until I hit 60 and my guild started to raid MC, so they didn’t need to do instances anymore. My end game really was to do all the lower level dungeons I skipped in Vanilla. Although they probably didn’t get castrated like Scholo and Strath did, but I wonder how they were originally.

I’ll pay 15 bucks a month every now and then to post on the forums. Shrug.

The lower level dungeons were about as you’d expect, the difficulty of them was due to the players in them not the intrinsic difficulty of the dungeon.

Problem is that no one currently playing has “beaten” anything 15 years ago. Yet here we are …

The word Fighting is used to convey meaning, dik.

If you don’t pay attention you might think that.


But from what I understand now that all that work is done BC can be released with much less development time.

I read this all the way through, and the impression I get from OP and some other person that said they wanted to go slow and use prot warriors (lol) is;

I suck at this game, and it’s unfair and ridiculous that everyone else doesn’t want to suck at this game.

I get your point, but you can’t put the genie back in the bottle. People are playing to maximize their accomplishment, not necessarily their fun. I’d bet that many of the players playing now didn’t accomplish that much the first time around. They’re back to be the uber raider they didn’t know how to be back then.

I’ve already leveled 3 characters 1-60, unless I go Horde, not much is going to change. I’d rather pay someone else chump change while I can do other things.

Interesting you say that because they just readded the Beta to Bnet. WoWhead thinks its for TBC beta. Troll harder lol