Boosters gone in arenas

I’m guessing boosting happened much more frequently when ilevel rewards became tied to rating (compared to before when it was mostly just cosmetics). People don’t want to have worse gear than others when they participate in PvP.


I mean it obviously was

I report anywhere from 7-15 boosting service ads whenever i’d log in.

Good :partying_face: :+1:

Agree that the primary issue on ladders is systems that chase out the bottom half of the ladder

Boosters largely cause a negative impact on how long it takes for others to climb, and an increase in player burnout, and should really be prevented to large degree by quality matchmaking systems

That said season 1 had an absurd amount of boosting which has come down tremendously for S2. In the end it’s mostly that a normal level of carries isn’t being diluted remotely enough by regular players

I.e. participation sucks which makes it feel much worse for those hanging on


No, not really.

yeah, the systems that chase out bottom half are the pvp gearing system and conduits which large amounts of time to upgrade.

Also the fact that have full vers gear you will get one-shotted. I’ve witnessed many pve’ers that go into an arena and get 1 shotted by someone with 30% vers and then quit.

Realistically boosters have only a small impact. If you are skilled or if you improve then you will climb.

Why do people think that their 17% reduced damage taken is going to prevent them from dying to like 200-300%+ increased damage from cds including the 30-38% from vers

Maybe I’m not understanding this correctly but the only thing I’m taking from this is they’re trying to eliminate competition so raiding guilds can have a monopoly on the boosting market

okay maybe vers doesn’t protect you from getting one shotted . but even if you are 252 ilvl with 10% vers you aren’t going to be able to kill someone rollin around with +30% vers.

Point is that it is a barrier to entry that you do need to get a good vers threshold to be able to compete

that’s one view for sure, the charitable read imo is that they want to make LFG easier to use. the jury’s out on how they’ll enforce this to that effect, of course

Dang, I was saving for a glad carry too. Thx Blizz

If you’re remotely decent at the game generally boosters are a complete non issue unless you’re Q’ing a severly undergeared alt in which case boosters aren’t the only thing holding you back but really just anyone that is half decent with the ilvl advantage.

Seeing boost ad’s isn’t the same thing as Q’ing in to a “booster”. Again, 99% of the games you play are not paid boosts and the 1% that are are incredibly winnable assuming you aren’t a wildly undergeared alt; and even if the latter is true its not a big deal because you take the L and move on as, like I said before, 99/100 games you Q will not be paid boosts.

Boosts have 100% never been an issue. The main isssue with player burnout is when peolpe try to gear undergeared alts and Q in to 259 players playin with their friends @ 1400. The lack of ilvl scaling to appropriate MMR brackets is the reason why the game has seen so many people leave (even this has become infinitely better with conquest boxes), not the phantom boosters.

I’m not complaining about boosters just if it wasn’t prevalent blizzard wouldn’t be taking action against.

If it wasn’t prevalent I wouldn’t be reporting 10 ads daily

Also there’s a broader spectrum of players than the 50 that post here that you’re telling to pull themselves by the bootstraps

PvP is intimidating enough, don’t need sweats decimating the low end of the ladder even a handful of times to disinterest new players nvm it being fullscale businesses


A lot of those sales are keys and raid though that’s what someone above was saying. There’s not many pvp sales going through those communities.

They’re spamming to fill aotc groups and keys which I believe run nonstop

None of us have the actual data on that, absolutely there’s more pve sales but there’s an undeniable obnoxious amount of ads in lfg

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There’s people playing alts but I rarely see carries.

I’ve talked to someone that can see the sales channel and they confirmed it’s like 1 pvp boost every other day or so this season.

I don’t know how much is done through regular whispers and discord tho but the spamming I’m positive is because of how much pve sales are happening

I guess individuals spamming their twitch viewer game counts but they specifically are still allowed to do that after this announcement it’s solely aimed at the communities which are mainly pve.

Ok but the spirit of you guys saying boosting isn’t a problem is almost always to just tell ppl to get better.

Because you have insight on one cord or whatever doesn’t explain why half of LFG can be boosting services.

I honestly don’t care about the actual numbers, I don’t moan about boosted opponents.

it’s annoying af to see it at all in LFG window tho nvm at times more ads than actual groups

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What do they want to hear?

“Yes, the non-existent booster boogieman is why you aren’t winning”?

Because it’s rarely an inquiry as to how they could’ve played a matchup better, traded stuff more efficiency, asked as to how a spec or comp goes about setting up their damage or goes, etc.

LFG being full of carries is just LFG being dead.

Nah I agree with the spam on LFG and trade is mega annoying