Boosted toon and can't seem to start Fangs of Ashamane / Class Hall?

Hi everyone! I just came back to WOW after about 12 years. Happy release!

I really want to snag the Fangs of Ashamane for the artifact cat forms, but I’ve gone pretty much everywhere (Moonglade, The Dream Grove, Shala’Nir, Emeral Dreamway) that this questline seems to possibly start at (Rensar Greathoof doesn’t have anything for me) and there are no available quests.

Am I doing something wrong? Is it because I’m boosted? I’d appreciate any help. I’ve scoured wowhead and youtube to no avail :confused: Thanks everyone!

How about New Dalaran?

:0 I have NOT tried that yet - do you know who I need to talk to there?

Archdruid Hamuul pops up shortly after you arrive.

Talk to Chromie in your capital city and choose Legion expansion to level in :slight_smile: from there there’s a breadcrumb quest to bring you to New Dalaran

Thank you so much!

You can always count on Chromie.