Boosted gear is bad

Just no, and even as someone who’s boost is an alt it is rather lackluster, the gear is rather weak. I mean even 50ish greens would he a big boost over this stuff.

I get all the arguments against boosts and if this was 2007 I would completely agree, but it’s 2021 not 2007.

The reason that matters is simply this, this is not some new genre people are trying. This is not the first time they have seen it. They are not going to get lost in the world and forget all about the fact they can’t immediately play with their friends.

Those coming back are doing so specifically to play TBC, level, do the dungeons and raids. They aren’t going to slog through 1-60 to do that. They’ve done it before, there is no feeling of accomplishment, just the relief it’s done.