Making this thread just to express my disappointment in the boosted experience thus far as a returning player.
I started back on retail yesterday after purchasing the war within pack and getting a level 70 character boost. I boosted my character and lo and behold, after several hours of picking up quests I see and mostly being dragged around by that alone, I’ve com e to the realization that I STILL have no idea where to start or what to do. Keep in mind, I’ve played a lot of retail WoW in my life, especially back in WoD, Legion and BFA, and have played classic, BC and WOTLK (currently enjoying SoD), so I’m not new to the game by any stretch. I just have no clue what is going on.
Firstly, I had no explanation of my abilities presented to me, any sort of tutorial on my rotation, nothing. Considering all the class changes that have happened over the years, I had to send quite a bit of time just reading my spellbook, as well as looking up various tutorials from youtubers online just to grasp how to play my newly juiced Disc priest.
Next, I thought I could just follow this Campaign quest I was being pushed towards to get a feel for how to enjoy Dragonflight. Well, turns out I was wrong about that. This fire season quest has me pulling my hair out. I spent a few minutes googling where the heck Lunedane in Ohn’ahran Plains was, as it looked like it was outside the map. Then, I took my newly waterstriding-capable mount out there (which took me a bit to realize that was now a piece of “Mount Equipment” in my mailbox, whoopsie!). Lo and behold, I couldn’t figure out how to get up to Lunedane.
I then started to think that maybe I needed flying to get up to it. So I looked up the laundry list of achievements I’d need in order to fly, and was a bit overwhelmed. Then I thought, surely the first quest they gave me wouldn’t require me to fly if it wasn’t already given to me, right? Upon further digging, it seems that everyone can fly in this expansion, with dragon riding. Well great! How to I unlock that?
Well, apparently that’s part of a tutorial quest I never did because I was boosted.
So now I’m scratching my head on how I unlock dragon riding!
Sorry for the long post, but I wanted to hopefully outline to Blizzard staff how confusing this has all been for me. I still don’t know where to begin, I kind of just want to raid with my friends, but without a clear way to go about starting and unlocking all the various systems and everything I’ll need to gear and prepare for raid, I am extremely lost to tell the truth.
Does anyone have a fan made guide perhaps that I could follow to help me along?