Boost is coming

I played vanilla. Which is irrelevant.

Over the years? Sure he leveled lots of alts in outland during vanilla over the years bud.

i edited it. if you ignored the ping you got for that to make a smart comment that’s a you thing. you got a notification for my edit.

Its a battle because people like yourself use the term “integrity of the game”. Did you black out since classic release?

Ya I don’t think I get sound notifications through chrome. Nor am I trying to be smart. Im pointing out to you how his post doesnt make much sense. I responded to your initial post insinuating he leveled in vanilla.

i mean a lot of us did. you did too. classic leveling was obviously faceroll compared to leveling through vanilla the first time.

I wouldnt describe it as faceroll, while it’s not “hard” I guess lol. I would describe it as feeling like an actual MMORPG leveling path unlike the chore you pay to skip in retail.

which version of retail? if you did WoD at any point on an spriest pre shadowlands revamp during legion or bfa that’s the hardest leveling i’ve ever done in wow, ever. ever. if you’d done it you would /lol at classic leveling. and it was “only” for 10 levels. but woo boy.

I have leveled in every expansion. The shear time investment in classic and giant world alone makes me /lol at what you are saying.

If you have the reaction of “woo boy” to any retail leveling idk what to tell you. It has only ever gotten easier.

Citation needed.

Did you level a shadow priest in that time frame? It’s the only time I ever thought wow leveling was actually hard not just time consuming. If you’d done it you wouldn’t be responding the way you are but meh.

His citation is “trust me, bro”

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No buddy. I did not level the specific class/spec/expansion you are speaking of. Maybe you were just bad at that one though. Maybe it was underpowered for its given patch.

Leveling in retail is easier than classic by a large margin imo.

I do have a random alt shadow priest though. Never played priest in maybe…12+ years? I boosted him to 50 because retail is a seasonal game unlike classic, and got him to 60 casually in a week or so.

It was incredibly easy and took A LOT less time than classic.

The only class I leveled in actual vanilla was pally. Prot specifically. It was harder than that. My first alt was in wrath. Alt army started in cata. (Meaning ones I committed to max) honestly legion tbc/wrath leveling was also harder than anything I’ve leveled in classic. And I did a lot to a significant degree. Not interested in classic end game. So the leveling is what I enjoy. Drinking all the time isn’t “hard” its tedious/time consuming when you’ve done it enough. I’ve actually leveled in every version of wow and speak from experience not “lul retail easy mode”

Your opinion vs mine. I leveled mine the whole way. I can post on mine too and you can check how long it took him to get through draenor if you’d like.

This guy too.

Hardly understand what a monk does. Easily LFG’d my way to 60 without a clue lol.

It takes maybe…what 200ish hours for someone that is playing casually to hit level 60? I know my 2 60s in classic took about 12 days, then 10 days. So thats over 200 hours a piece.

Sometimes things being tedious are harder for people who arent willing to put in the time. You seem the type :smiley:

No both games are objectively easy thats not opinion. One just takes more time.

I’d rather see the classic guy you quit because it was to easy lmao.

I played a mobile game that it took 15s+ real time before I could click the thing to add mats to the thing to do stuff. It went up a few seconds each time. It wasn’t hard. But I could have just continued to sit and stare at my phone indefinitely cuz it was an “idle” game. That wasn’t actually idle. It wasn’t hard at all but it made me feel like I was wasting my time, so I deleted it. That’s how a lot feel about classic. And with the squishes and stuff things were significantly harder in certain eras of retail vs classic. If you didn’t skip the game with boosting or boosting via lfd and actually played the game you’d know this.

You’re arguing irrationally. Not questing vs questing which is real leveling.

If you’re anti boosting in classic bit admit to using it in retail while throwing out how “easy” the leveling was then you’re a :clown_face:

Literally trolling.

That is exactly what it is, it is by very definition and name an expansion lmao


I’m not confused at all. Classic Vanilla and Classic TBC are both Classic. The game didn’t have the credit card swiping services then and I don’t want it to have them now. Ever since it was first announced, Blizzard’s official stance on Classic was that the whole point was to be able to go back and experience an authentic recreation of WoW’s earlier eras. After seeing Classic’s commercial success, they’ve conveniently decided to backpeddle on their word and bastardize the memory and experience of WoW’s roots by slapping paid services onto the game (That ANYONE can buy, including those with level 60 characters) while pretending that they’re just concerned about the experience of newcomers.

No, I’m not confused at all.

You didn’t really, though. I’m trying to understand the perspective of someone who will pay for a game, and then pay once again, specifically to not play that game. Of course, assuming the intended purpose of that game was for you to level up and progress rather than just swiping your credit card like it’s some mobile game.

I’m perfectly aware that you don’t worry or care about the implications of Blizzard’s actions here.

I’m not sure if you realize the glaring irony in your argument here, but trying to minimize the investment and work involved in the leveling process really only goes to show that level boosts aren’t necessary and that we should be looking to Blizzard to explain themselves for wanting to dip into our pockets to skip something that “…literally makes up such a small amount of your /played”.

Is skipping this content going to have a big impact or not? People on your side of the fence seem to suddenly have vastly different opinions on the matter depending on which part of this conversation we’re having.

I honestly don’t care how others spend their money. If this were a single-player campaign like Shadow of War, I’d have a good laugh at the idea that people would be willing to pay money to skip content in the game they paid for, but I’d move on with my day immediately after because it makes literally no difference to me if someone wants to blow their money that way. But in an MMO, paying for advantages has actual consequences, even for the people who mind their own business and elect to keep their money in their pockets.

Your oversimplification of the situation makes me think you’re not actually savvy to the impact that this will have on gameplay and on Blizzard’s decision making in the future.

There’s no point in pursuing a conversation with you if you earnestly can’t or won’t see that this will affect everyone playing the game. That’s really the whole point. It’s never been about wanting to govern how others enjoy the game.

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Not everyone is poor or allergic to paying for convenience. It’s no different than paying a premium for a ride to a concert from Uber so you don’t have to deal with parking nonsense. Most classic players are acting like they make $3 an hour and they can barely scrape by paying their subs. Just as an FYI you don’t have to be rich to not be poor. And if you have more time than money you’re free to level the old fashioned way.