Boon buffs question

I know there are some very good dedicated players in all games so i can only assume that gnomer will be cleared within 3 weeks (or less) of time. I am wondering if players level 39 and below that can get the bfd boon can also run to ironforge (alliance city) to get the gnomer boon and they stack?

Also, what city is the gnomer boon for horde? I know thunderbluff is for the bfd boon

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3 weeks?

Gnomer will be cleared on the second day 100%.


Orgrimmar probably if I had to guess.

unlikely as they hit the same stats, the movement speed at the very least will not stack.

for me the bfd boon is crazy good just because of the movement speed increase. I’m sure the new boon will benefit healers abit since the current bfd boon only gives the healers “movement” speed.

Also why wouldnt the boon (world buffs) just drop in all major cities? seems goofy to only drop them in certain towns, i guess that would cause alot of 3 account warlock summon bots an income loss if they wouldnt have to summon people to each town.

you think thats goofy, just you wait for 60 buffing.

so 1-39 bfd
gnomer 40-49 (only??)
sunken temple 50-59 (only??)
molten core 60 (only??)

or will a level 1 get to stack all 4 world buffs on and become mini god mode?

they will probably have level caps but not minimums.

so more like

all speculation though, who knows until blizz announces next phase or the dataminers find info for it in a future update

at 60 there are about 8 different buffs though, wcb/ony/zg/songflower/3 from dire maul/DMF, collecting all of which will require quite a bit of travel or multiple summons

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I honestly hope they do away with world buffs as they were in classic.

Like roll them together or something.

The fact that theyre leaving the BFD boon behind in Phase 1 and not letting lvl 40s get it gives me hope that they have plans to nix the rather circuitous world tour for eight world buffs that already exists at lvl 60.

Fingers crossed.

First day bruv what?! Lol

It’s not out until 4 EST on Thursday, and leveling up to 40 along with possible server issues, lag, etc, I think a Friday clear is more likely than Thursday night.

If people clear it within 8 hours I will be very surprised.

Friday starts at midnight.

kind of reminds of me an old game show “name that tune”, they would say I can name that tune in 4 notes… someone else would say oh yeah, i can name it in 2 notes and they would say… name that tune!

I see it now, i can clear that raid in 3 hours of release… CLEAR THAT RAID!

How high were you when you wrote that?


Honestly we wont know if they stack till we get it.

Level 50 bracket will likely be scarlet crusade or karazhan crypts. Those were teased at blizzcon. Note i said scarlet crusade not scarlet monastery.

eastern or west plaguelands? I like both of those little towns

neither, tirisfal glades

but… those are just “watch towers” not even a stronghold… only thing close to a “town” is the monastary in the glades

i misread what you all were on about actually. if they were gonna add new content up there that is scarlet crusade related, hearthglen in WPL would be the obvious spot, or tyrs hand in EPL