Boomy + EnhSham LF Team/Guild for 10.1

Hey there,

We are 2 players, frenchies from French Polynesia, who are looking for a Team or a Guild for the next season, starting next week.

We started WoW in Vanilla, and have played to a lot of expands (Vanilla, BC, Wotlk, Cataclysm, MoP, WoD, Legion, SL) at high level in PvE.

We’re mostly casual at the moment, playing like 3 hours a day, and sometimes on the week end.
We could be online at 9pm Server time, the jet lag isnt helping us I know…

With the new season coming, we want to find a core of players to push the raid & doing some M+.

We are bored to play as mercenaries in Pug and want a solid group to play with.

Feel free to add my btag for more informations if you’re interested sevych#1843

Take care,