I have both classses at 40, boomy is better geared, but Spriest runes seem to be better.
I am starting to lean towards the Spriest as my favorite toon currently. What is your opinion, I will mainly PVP , seems with dual spec that a priest will be more useful, but the stealth of the boomy is really fun for pvp…
gear, runes, it doesnt matter - play what you enjoy.
I still play a bm ranged hunter even though its crap, i still enjoy it
I like both a lot, which is why its difficult, i want to play both but i also want to rank in pvp so thats not possible
Priest will always be A tier +, shadow or disc, even if big nerfs happen in future simply due to our amazing kit.
I havent played boomie so can’t say much on them but with proper gear at 50 to 60 with sod runes they should also stay strong.