Hey all,
I’m looking to join up with a raiding guild that has a friendly and active community. The community aspect is a big one for me because lately I’ve been in some pretty dead guilds where nobody ever talks or have their own inner circles. I’d really like to make some friends to play with as currently I pretty much play alone so I end up pugging mostly.
Currently I’ve only done HC CN but wouldn’t mind getting into some mythic to try out harder content!. I like doing m+ as well
Hope to hear from you guys and thanks!
Oops, I just realized I posted on an alt. Meant to post on this character. Sorry! This is my boomkin
Hi Nymrah,
Straight Outta Varrock is currently 2/10 M AOTC and looking to expand. We raid Tuesdays and Thursday 9-12pm EST with Friday being an alt run. We’re a fun group of guys that are good at the game and have fun while raiding. We also have a bunch of us with KSM and Glory to Shadowlands. If you’d like to talk more please feel free to message me on either Discord or Bnet.
Discord: k1ngw0rth#3729
Bnet: Nezule#1831
We are a fun first guild focused on AotC Heroic (9/10H) and would definitely have a spot for you. We raid Tues/Thurs 8-10:30 pm est - with an optional raid on the weekends. Would be great to talk and see how closely our raid would fit with what you are looking for.
We have a stable community with players that are friendly and fun to play with. We are very inclusive of new people in the guild.
You can learn more about our guild here:
You can add me on BNET Real ID: Eventin#1487
On Discord: Sevenfold#7482
or you can talk to me in game: Sevenfóld
Good morning/afternoon good sir. Quake Star is a 2/10M guild that is looking to push mythic content in 9.1 and wanting to fill out its roster. Raid times at tuesday/Thursday 9pm-12am server with a bustling discord and quite a few m+ players. If you would like to know more add me at dankatar#1367 and I hope to hear from you.
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You did not leave any contact info. Feel free to contact me if interested. Krazy#1922.
We raid 3 nights a week. Tues/Wed/Thur 9-Midnight EST. I can say activity is random due to people having an adult lifestyle with family, work and other obligations but every does make an effort in working together when they can. There are no cliques. We include everyone. Current progression is 3/10M.
We would LOVE to have you with us!!! There is not a more active guild on this server than A Night Off!!
Hey Nymrah,
We’re currently recruiting for next tier and have brought over lots of players from heroic to mythic raiding. We are a friendly guild that balances fun and prog. About our guild:
Guild: No Pressure
Server: Stormrage
Faction: Alliance
Raid Focus: Mythic Progression; Heroic Farm
Mythic Raid TImes: Tues & Thurs 7pm - 10pm EST
Wknd Raid Info: Sat 8pm - 11pm EST
**Castle of Nathria = 10/10H AOTC, 7/10M, working on Sludge
Feel free to contact any of the following:
GM / Raid Leader
Bnet: KassiG#1130
Recruitment Officer / Mythic Raider
Bnet: Liarparadox#1170
Co-GM / Raid Leader
Bnet: danielg#1514
Howdy! I’m Quick one of the Officers for Illicit. We def would be interested in you joining and when you are max level and properly geared and what not could def prolly give you a shot on one of our teams! Reach out to me in game - or on Discord if need be. You can also Whisper any member of Illicit to get hitched now -
Below if the info for Team Hades which is where I think you should start when ready
Team Hades
(Heroic/Casual Mythic Raiding 3/10M)
RAID TIMES: Tuesday/Thursday from 6:00-9:00 pm PT
This is our guild’s more relaxed, but still progressive raid team.
Some mythic raiding experienced is preferred
A history of performing well as an AOTC raider is required.
You should have an intermediate/advanced understanding of how to play your main class and spec in a raid environment.
Players will come to raid prepared having researched a progression encounter prior to raid time.
Players will must maintain their characters and continue to advance/gear them - “Team” mentality.
All healers are required to have a mythic-capable DPS spec or alt.
- This means your DPS spec or alt will be able to perform in-line with the overall team’s DPS expectations.
Players on this team will be expected to reasonably keep up with their daily/covenant quests to continue improving for raid.
Hades Roster Needs:
Priority |
Role |
Spec |
Special Note |
High |
Melee DPS |
Any |
Tank Offspec |
High |
Ranged DPS |
Any |
For more information or an informal interview please contact:
Ryme - Illicit GM/Recruiter (bnet: Ryry#11575)
Mook - Raid Lead for Apollo (bnet: mook#11893)
Addina - Raid Lead for Hades (bnet: yassyfresh#1204)
Quick - Recruitment Officer (bnet: QuickESQ#1651)
I am really hoping to hear from ya and maybe get you to come over to Proudmoore
Dirt Flap is LF players that want to push Mythic bosses. Raid leader of 8+ years experience. We run many mythic+ groups, & PvP.
Raid Days: Tuesday & Wednesday
Raid Times: 7:30-11 pm Server Time (CT)
- 220+ item level
- Expected to have researched boss strategies prior to raid nights & keep up-to-date with the strategies in Discord
- 90%+ attendance & notifying an officer 24 hours ahead of time if a raid will be missed
- Add-On Requirements: ERT, IRT, WeakAuras, DBM/BigWigs
- 10/10 N
- 10/10H
- 6/10M
30% on Council
Minimum ilvl of 219+, experience 3/10M.
Currently looking to fill some spots. will take any of these classes/or amazing player:
- Boomie
- Hunter
- Spriest
- Ele Sham
Please fill out an short app [here] (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1GI7CWNDwCupcMIA5p85oO7u5azggiIRByX-TqKpEN98) and/or contact us if you are interested.
Jaebabe#1755 Or Sh0#9012