Any ideas for a good guide for Boomkin? I’ve tried the Hekili addon but I still feel as if I’m not grasping this “easy spec”. I made this Druid to try leveling as Boomkin to see if I can get a better understanding and it just seems odd (my last was TWW boost). Wowhead guide just seems like it’s really just a up in the air “rotation”
Its a lot of little things that add up to a bunch on the dps charts, things like: knowing the tank’s route so you know if a big pull is coming and using incarn, pre-charging up pulsar on a target dummy before the key so ur first spender extends your incarn on the first pull of the key, reliably keeping up 2-3 stacks of starfall in aoe, then there’s minor week to week talent choices for tyran vs. fort
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This seems degenerate but genius.
I’ll start using my target dummy toys more.
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The Dream grove for anything druid related.
They also have a discord with plenty of information, builds, and pretty much anything you will need. very easy explanation on how to Boomkin
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