Boomkin and Waffles!

<Boomkin and Waffles> is currently recruiting DPS and a Holy Paladin for our main raid team. 10/10 MC every week since Nov 24 and 8/8 BWL every week since Feb 16. We run a small team roster so we can quickly gear high quality players. We value pleasant, helpful, team-oriented players that work together to achieve common goals. Our guild consists of mostly working professional adults that value our real lives as much as our journey through classic.

Optional raids are MC, ZG and AQ20 that occur at 6 pm on weeknights (days vary).

Primary raids are AQ40 and BWL that will run Saturdays and Sundays starting at 3:30 pm. Clear times are approximately 70 mins for BWL, 75 mins for MC, 60 mins for ZG. Main raids are loot council. ZG, MC are SR or rolls with the expectation that players are fair, generous, and follow generally accepted BIS knowledge.

We are also looking for casual members for leveling alts, 5 mans, and casual raiding (ZG, MC, Onyxia and soon BWL.)

Message myself our khomey3 on our discord.