Boomer-MM/BM Huntress N8/8, H 1/8 LF Adult Casual Progressive Guild

Yes, I’m an actual Boomer (age 67), a grandmother, and have played this game since the tail end of Vanilla. It was my daughter back then who got me hooked on WOW, but she’s too busy to play anymore. I have 4 alts also to bring into a new guild. but I only raid w/ my huntress. The others are for professions.
I can raid M-F from 7pm -10pm EST (NO LATER END TIME, as my husband gets up at 3am for work and needs his sleep. I prefer raid days of Tues, Wed, Thurs., and am not available on weekends as we either visit family or family visits us practically every week.
I always arrive on time for raids, carry pots, food (if not provided), and all of my enchantable gear is enchanted (at present 606 ilvl).
I also want a guild that has other senior players in it’s makeup, is NOT a CE guild or a Semi, and has a NO-BENCHING policy for raiding. YES, they DO EXIST. I have played in several of them over the years, and my last 2 guilds had that strict policy and stuck to it. Players don’t stay dead for entire fights, they get rezzed when needed, and get to learn and practice the fight w/ everybody else on the team til the boss comes down.
I am NOT the best raider nor the worst. Besides my age, I am also a perceptual dyslexic which affects memory and logic as well as perception, so puzzles, mazes, and view of items coming at me are difficult in the game. Also remembering parts of long boss fights (videos don’t help this, my memory can’t remember long things). Only by doing and repetition I get through the fights. I hate M+ and also not a fan of the new delves, and all of my gear has been achieved primarily through raiding. I do N/H and try to do some light Mythic (like 1st few bosses when there is time).
I also desire a guild w/ players online during the daytime that are actually on Discord and talking. The last guild, I just left only had a very few that would come into it & chat. Most of the guild just typed and there were over 900 total in it.
I am LF a guild that is well organized. Officers have precise roles and those roles are in their notes, so members know who to go to for different things. I have been in the past a Co-GM of a guild, a GM of my own guild for a brief period, and a recruiting officer for 8 guilds total (including the one I just left). I didn’t leave my last guild because I hated any people there, but because of non-raiding for 5 consecutive weeks straight and having to pug, and the disorganization there of having multiple officers that no one knew what they did, and others that did nothing at all. I’m on Stormrage (alliance) and know there are over 1000 guilds on this server, so if you have a Casual Progressive w/ a raid spot for a loyal Boomer huntress that fit the days & times I need, please post it here or catch me in game (online mostly afternoons). Thx.

Got lucky & found a guild!