[Bookmark] Welcome to Wyrmrest - Server Info

10/06/2018 04:08 PMPosted by Lindiwe
I feel you. Like I said this was sitting in my Google Docs since before August, and it isn't even a authored guide, just links.
Life happens. I'm glad you've posted it though.
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10/05/2018 11:45 PMPosted by Lindiwe
RP stands for Raid Progression, amirite?
The PvE scene isn't too competitive here but we do have guilds progressing through Mythic each XPAC. There are a few non-guild groups that do PvE content, you can find their posts on the forums.

Pugging can be difficult on Wyrmrest Accord if you are new to the server, but this is true of all servers. For current progression, visit WoWProgress: http://www.wowprogress.com/pve/us/wyrmrest-accord

PVE is more competitive than you think. There's at least 50 guilds on the server that are always looking for people to join to raid. While raiding isn't the main focus of this server it's still a part of it.
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10/07/2018 02:56 AMPosted by Grimmox

PVE is more competitive than you think. There's at least 50 guilds on the server that are always looking for people to join to raid. While raiding isn't the main focus of this server it's still a part of it.

Good to know, I am more of a pvper myself so I don't keep up. I suppose what I meant is we are not competitive with other servers that a dedicated. I will reword that section once I am back home (Canadian Thanksgiving is happening!)
I am going to update some of the info provided in the feedback tonight, so if there is more feedback now is a good time so that I can make necessary edits. Thanks!
Updated a few things, and a bump for the weekend to try and get this one stickied. Thanks so much, please provide any resources, feedback etc so we can make this a good tool for new folks (and old ones too).
Back to first page.
Greetings Lindiwe,

Thanks for putting this together! This is going to be extremely helpful when I start to RP. Just waiting for Kul Tiran humans! Moving to Wrymrest Accord has been great so far. Right now I am focused on mastering a new class and new roles in game.

Thanks again. You rock!
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Heads up, the link you have to the WRA communities leads to the Herb and Alchemy Guide at the moment.
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10/15/2018 06:20 AMPosted by Rainei
Heads up, the link you have to the WRA communities leads to the Herb and Alchemy Guide at the moment.

LOL... thanks. I will change it when I get home.

I would like to throw some more race guides in there so please send your suggestions!
Still looking out for some race guides, if you know of some link them here!
I got a good Goblin one I did on my guild forums many many years ago. Once the new forums come out tomorrow, and we can add images to our posts I will post it here so it benefits everyone.
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I look forward to seeing it!

This is probably one of the best Tauren guides around you could reference: https://eu.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/12440035910

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They used to be tacked at the top. WTF. These new forums are… not good.

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This is a great guide.

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@Kelsuwa Thanks! I am still getting used to these new forums, but I will for sure link this guide when I go in to do a bit of cleaning up.

@Shieraiel I think that they are using the new ‘bookmarks’ to replace that system. It just means I will have to encourage people to bookmark it, share it and keep an eye out that it is bumped every so often. Maybe they will bring stickys back someday.