Bonechewer Horde Reconnections

-Duder, Undead Rogue.

-Ruin and Last Call.

Anyone involved with killing Alliance.


I played arena 2s with you disc priest rogue for a while. idk if you remember I think my name was Faceoff back then as well undead disc priest.

Dragonsrage > Tauren > Druid
Uragony > Undead > Warlock

Coming back to give Classic a shot and try to relive the fun we all used to have together.

Hey dude it’s Morph!

Morphestus - Undead Mage
Mindset, Descentia

Would definitely come back casually if the gang got back together.

And thanks Oysterhead for mentioning me too…


Lmao, I was at work and it’s been quite a while, cut me some slack

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OMG OMG OMG Tuuzool!
I remember you brother! This is awesome. You always called me Remjob =3 <3

Oh man, I didnt expect to see this many of the old guildies. I guess I have to come back now. What server are we thinking? I have been seeing a lot of Stalagg being mentioned.


I’m going Stalagg, not sure how to find anyone, my battle tag is cameron#13995

Well well well. Some of these names are bringing back my PTSD.

What’s happening Oysterhead?! Askari good to see you’re still alive and kicking.

rauch - don’t remember what class I played most likely warrior?

I’m cool with coming back if there’s going to be a group someplace like (g)olden times. Trying to get Spiderblue to come back as well, but we’ll see how that goes.


Nerd alert! You should totally come back Rauch


Only have a few screenshots from back in the day, but heres an early mindset one.
https:// imgur. com/a/KcSLCJw


Thanks for organizing this! I raided a bit as a troll priest (Priestaga) with Blacklisted back in vanilla. I will be hitting y’all up for sure! :slight_smile:

That’s Descentia I think, crazy seeing all those names

It’s great seeing so many familiar names here. It’s a shame we all lost touch over the years. Feel free to add me, Nehcrik#1473.

I’d love to hear from all of you! I believe I’ll know for sure which server (s) we’ll be on by the end of this weekend.

  • Votum, Troll, Priest
  • Descentia
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Papz here, tauren shaman from Tribo Habagat/Shards of Narsil/Blacklisted

Add me battletag PapzBonechwr#1144


Qualkhek, Tauren Warrior, The Restless.

I was only in the guild a few months before we imploded. My biggest claims to fame would be saving a Geddon wipe and being the guy who kept track of Heinrich’s beer count?

Lots of familiar names in here

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Can’t seem to find any of my screenshots but I did find one of Antioch’s. This was our first ragnaros kill I think. Notice the chat lol.
https:// imgur .com/a/94xaRKT


Morphestus - Skidz#1854

I’ll head to Stalagg too. God knows I’ll be rolling a Warlock though…


What is a Devast?