Anyone notice that bombardment damage is not showing up as your own in details? I know that the spell says it can be triggered by “your allies” but still strange it credits the damage towards them. It does make it a bit hard to determine exactly how much damage I’m doing since that’s about 15% of my damage at times. Oddly enough when looking at logs it attributes the damage to me. Just curious which one is correct I guess.
Good question. I have noticed it doesn’t show up in details.
Interestingly enough, it DOES show up in details, it just assigns the damage to your allies lol. If you look into someone else’s damage you can find your bombardment damage under their damage.
This is something Blizzard will have to fix, similar issue as why Blistering Scales, Breath of Eons etc is attributed to the player instead of Aug.
Thats annoying, my friend group has been giving me crap for all of us being tied for DPS, only to now find out I lost 60k damage, Imma go give em crap now.
The logs are correct-- because other players proc the damage, it’s being attributed to them in details.
This is not something that blizz needs to fix, as addons and tracking are not inherently part of the game.
I believe it would be on details to completely overhaul the addon to work with aug and things like bombardment, and when aug released they stated they won’t be doing so, so I’d be surprised if they did it for Dev, even if it’d be nice to have it all in one place.
Realistically, the easiest fix is for them to just change bombardment proc rate to be higher for dev and only be triggered by our damage, and leave augs as-is since theyre already scuffed af in details.
Very possible you lost more than that. Last time I went dev for a fight in raid I lost a solid 140k dps.
yeah I agree, I didn’t really think it was something Blizzard should fix. I just wanted to make sure my line of thinking was correct. Appreciate your comment!
Part of me really wants this fixed and part of me really doesn’t.
That’s where our opinions differ I guess. Damage meters won’t ever go away, they are a very important tool for players to improve themselves, and right now it’s impossible for certain specs to properly track their own damage output. As Aug I want to know how well I’m doing so I can adjust my gameplay and talents to accommodate. Currently I have to rely mostly on logs instead of what’s available in-game. Dark hounds from Dark Ranger are currently not tracked either.
Addons are inherently a part of the game, and Blizzard knows this. It’s their own in-game combat log that isn’t consistent right now.
Details can already guess Augmentation contribution, but that’s the best it can do- a guesstimate. There’s simply not enough information exposed in-game for Details to reliable calculate this, and this is done on purpose which makes it even sadder.
Strange, I didn’t think to look there.
It should attribute it to allies as Aug and yourself as dev imo. Simple.
as devastation i really didn’t want to buff any allies. i tried switching to Flameshaper but the overall damage dropped a lot, around 80k DPS
Reattribution of damage is something that only happens via the advanced combat log, which is a delayed write and isn’t something addons can readily access. It’s not reasonable to expect details to manually reattribute the damage for bombardment as if there are multiple scalecommanders, there is no way to tell which bombardment procced the damage by reading the regular combat log
Flameshaper feels unplayable which is very sad lol