Bolvar DK Swords

It is gonna feel reeeeally weird if DKs get firey weapons and armor rather than the normal frost. Felt off in those Cata tier sets, feels weird now.

Which is why I’m getting the feeling AR are going to have a cosmetic change to Frost when they become DKs.

Instead of Frost, they get Fire while the core race DKs get Frost.

Both would function exactly the same, but one’s just a reskin/damage type swap.

Yeesh, am I among the only ones that likes them? Oh well. I enjoy the design and think they’re cool. :woman_shrugging:

Oh I like them too, I’m just saying the Burning one seems completely out of place.

I mean it could have served in Crimson’s role as the Blood weapon, yet it’s being labeled clearly as Burning.

Undersstandable, I meant that as more of a general statement :stuck_out_tongue: people seem to really dislike them based on some of the comments I skimmed over.

Agreed… It really does seem like that.

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it doesn’t look like a dk sword … i mean when you think of dk swords you imagine a huge runeblade covered with blue runes and a frosty theme, not a bone knife

Depends on the DK spec/theme.

Going for a San-layn theme? Then find something that looks like it’s still beating.

Need an unholy weapon? Grab the Mythic version of the Cataclysm reskin.

Need a pair of icecubes to bash someone’s head in? Look for a mace made of blue crystals – that’ll do the job if you give it Razorice illusion.

When I go Frost DK, I don’t like dual wielding.

So what I do is: I transmog a runeblade on my main hand and a beer mug on my off hand (Winter’s grasp illusion to make it extra cold).

So my main hand is my weapon, while my off hand is just my beer lol

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God i love you Mortis…your posts always make me laugh.

notices massive ice chair
Bolvar: Give me the helm Tirion its the only way!
soft weeping


there would be so much rejoicing, you have no idea

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Gib Frost 2H, DW sucks & no DK’s even DW except Darion Mograine before 3.3.

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Imagine all the hype for new skins and looks…

just to found out that those are unused.

or worse - npc only.

Does it crush your cold-dead heart when you found out that you worked your rotting-dead a$$ out to mount up those 4 hourseman, but you can’t use those mounts for yaself?

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ilvl 58? Redoing the DK starting area to incorporate other races?

me either

Better than that Legionfall Arsenal weapon set we got in 7.2. Those things looked like they were made of plastic.

Probably won’t use these though, but they look interesting at least.


He fits in surprisingly well.

Agreeded. I’m staying with what I have, thank you.

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