Bolstering + Fortified =?

Well I did one on my tank, it was fairly easy to complete but we didn’t time. It was a Necrotic Wake and we were kinda experimenting with where to use hammers. Those aboms, though, with fortified and the armor reduction can be for real, and I wasn’t quite able to run far enough to get it to drop.

It’s a rough week to time a key but a very easy one to just finish. Bolstering does nothing to bosses, fortified does nothing to bosses, quaking does almost nothing to bosses.

Although if I had to choose this week or last week (Tyr/Spiteful/Necrotic)…I think I’d choose this week as easier, but I’m a tank that can’t drop Necrotic.

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It was a mix of both, the untimed was ironically with people I have run with.

I enjoy the challenge. I like that some weeks are harder then others and some dungeons are harder or easier depending on affix combinations. Some comps are better then others depending on affixes as well. For me it keeps it interesting. I play regardless, and have fun doing it. If it was the same every week it would burn me out. I healed an 18 TOP yesterday and I had to work, it was nasty. I loved it! My advice to new players is to never “take the week off”. Sharpen your skills during those weeks that others are afraid of. You will become a better player.


Its long overdo now that Bolstering needs to just be completely deleted from the game or overhauled/re-designed; I think its been the most universally hated affix since the inception of M+. I’m appalled that it still exists. It’s just a trash, polarizing, anti-fun affix that drastically limits the way you can run a dungeon that you often can’t play around.


In the past, at least, bolster with fortified was easier because the risk of Uber murdering the minor adds was reduced. In SL, the minor adds don’t bolster most of the time.

Did a DoS 15 yesterday and we missed the timer by 37s. This was a direct result of bolstering some enemies too high. The good news is, if you play bolster correctly, it’s not that big of a time sink.

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I think bolstering just favors an efficient run of always fighting four mobs, minimal down time, no deaths, nothing fancy but just doing everything right from beginning to end.

Those corpse guys in NW that do the aoe bleed and stun are monsters with fort/bolstering.

Those dogs in halls are another example. They will just rip anything.

I don’t get annoyed anymore when ppl don’t run/interupt things.

I blame blizzard for not making me powerful enough to heal through every damage in the game.

I also think its funny that most of these guys have run these dungeons several times and still don’t do it right.

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Provided you have the right damage classes, there’s nothing wrong with pulling 6-10. Ideally you’d go with some uncapped aoe and at least 1 person who has good prio damage.

I agree. I missed a 17 PF because of a DC on the healer.
Timed pretty much all the 15s I’ve done this week save for 2 I think.
Fortified + Bolstering is easy to deal with, people just don’t want to focus down important mobs and go AoE crazy and end up with a big boy at 7+stacks and 60% health.

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Every week is skittish week now. They didn’t remove skittish, they just made it permanent.

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Sure it’s easy to deal with. The problem with bolstering is that the way you deal with it is to pull smaller. And that’s not fun, and it’s slower than normal.

Not just that, it’s the affix that is the most punishing to low level groups, and it’s a level 4 affix to boot. Bolstering just destroys you for accidentally pulling pats and that’s most common mistake made at low level keys.

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I think they should have made a theme for the mythic+ keys every week.

Like this week in mythic+ all monsters look like zombie gnomes.

Next week all monsters could be giant frogs.

Some kind of visual upgrade. People get tired and bored of watching the same tv program over and over, right.


I agree. Also wish theyd add new abilities or rotate from time to time.

They already sold it to me. I got one shotted thrice by random crap in a 17 NW.

It’s always going to be one of the worst affixes. :\

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It’s challenging, but possible to push. I was able to timed 4 +18s so far, almost a 5th. I think it being paired up with quaking was fair.

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Quaking is one of the most ‘free’ affixes there is, so this week’s handicap is entirely on Bolstering. I prefer dealing with Spiteful, personally.

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As a ranged caster, I disagree with your quaking assessment. I agree it’s not particularly hard, but sometimes it’s the biggest pita imaginable.

As a healer it’s gonna happen right when you need to cast a life-saving spell, or as a dps it’s gonna happen right after you finished moving for some other mechanic. Getting casts off during the frost lieutenant is frustrating as hell sometimes. Move for the Lance, quaking, get set to cast finally, dodge the swirlies. It’s no picnic for casters.


the most annoying part about quaking to me is how it looks identical to so many other quaking casts lol

sooooo confusing!

Too many circles. Circles everywhere. One of the dps trinkets makes a red circle that buffs party members, but it looks near identical to the fear mini boss and traps in SD.

It always happens 3/4 of the way into resurrection, but .5 seconds before the cast goes off.