[Bold] Recruiting for our Mythic WEEKDAY team. 4/9M


—About Us—
Our team is focused on midcore Mythic. We say “midcore” because, we are progression focused and do expect every raider to be competent in their role/spec, bring consumables, and be a collaborative thought-partner on strategies. We are very transparent with trials (and even after passing and becoming core) about performance, both in DPS/HPS and mechanics, so you know exactly what you need to work on. This is not a casual team - everyone plays a role in progression, we are just not CE-focused. The weekday team is new so we are looking to build up a consistent group of high-performing, reliable, team-oriented folks.

—Current Progression—
9/9H 4/9M

—Raid Times—
Wednesday: 8:30PM - 11:30PM EST
Thursday: 8:30PM - 11:30PM EST

—Recruitment Needs—
Tanks: Closed
Healers: Closed
Melee DPS: Open ~ Warrior, Paladin
Ranged DPS: Open ~ Shadow Priest

Regardless of the recruitment status, we encourage anyone to reach out and inquire!

—Not a Raider?—
Outside of raids, we are pretty active. We average 30+ people during the afternoon/evening with people chatting and running keys together. Raid logging is not a real issue here and we strive to earn the loyalty and commitment of our people. We welcome all to join as socials, casuals, key runners, etc. There’s a place for everyone! Just message anyone in-game, apply in-game, or add a B-tag below!

—Can’t Commit/Raid Yet?—
Interested in raiding with us but can’t commit yet or for one reason or another aren’t ready? You can join as a “Prospect” until you are. There is no time limit on how long you can be a Prospect, so as soon as you are ready and/or able, reach out so we can start a trial. Reasons for being Prospect can include (but are not limited to): Temporary schedule conflict Undergeared Logs need to be improved Leveling

—Basic Requirements—
18+ years old. Commitment to all days. Active and run keys. Willing to learn, improve, and take constructive criticism. Always come to raid prepared. Competent and strong player. Cross-realm trialing is acceptable but you are required to transfer and join once you pass your trial. No exceptions.

—Contact (Discord/ Btags)—
Recruiter: victoriakins / VictoriaKins#1971
Melee Officer: montyroyal / Madmonty#11747
Ranged Officer: staffeln / Jäger#11356
Healing Officer: victoriakins / VictoriaKins#1971

To the top

Going back up

Go back up there

Back to the very top

To the tippy top

Back it up

Going back up

To the top

Bumping it to the top

Back up to the top

All the way up

Going on up

To the top

Going up to the top

Back where you belong please

Aug and warrior please!

Looking for a good paladin!